PFE 0.33.70

-The PFE Manual
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-License (LGPL)  
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* Forth Repository
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* zForth WebRing

Other Links
* Tektronix/MPT
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* Forth Inc.
* MPE Ltd. Forths
* SF Win32Forth
* PD Win32Forth
* Neil Bawd


(C) Guido U. Draheim


TypeChecking extension

|(( [string<rp>] -- ) [EXT]  => "EXTENSIONS"

add a checkstack notation for the LAST word or just try to match the given notation with the stacklayout traced so far - possibly casting a few types as needed.

immediate code = [p4_stackhelpcomment]

STACKHELP( [name] -- ) [EXT]  => "EXTENSIONS"

show the stackhelp info registered for this name.

immediate code = [p4_stackhelp]

STACKHELPS( [name] -- ) [EXT]  => "EXTENSIONS"

show all possible stackhelps for this name.

immediate code = [p4_stackhelps]


(no description)

primitive code = [stackhelp_debug]

NARROW-CHANGER(( changer# "stackhelp<rp>" -- ) [EXT]  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_narrow_changer]

NARROW-INPUTLIST(( changer# "stackhelp<rp>" -- ) [EXT]  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_narrow_inputlist]

NARROW-OUTPUTLIST(( changer# "stackhelp<rp>" -- ) [EXT]  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_narrow_outputlist]

NARROW-INPUT-VARIANT(( variant# changer# "stackhelp<rp>" -- ) [EXT]  => "EXTENSIONS"

0 = default, 1 = 'S', 2 = 'R', ... 4 = 'P', ... 7 = 'M', .. 14 = 'F'

primitive code = [p4_narrow_input_variant]

NARROW-OUTPUT-VARIANT(( variant# changer# "stackhelp<rp>" -- ) [EXT]  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_narrow_output_variant]

NARROW-INPUT-STACK(( stk-char variant# changer# "stackhelp<rp>" -- ) [EXT]  => "EXTENSIONS"

0 = default, 1 = 'S', 2 = 'R', ... 4 = 'P', ... 7 = 'M', .. 14 = 'F'

primitive code = [p4_narrow_input_stack]

NARROW-OUTPUT-STACK(( stk-char variant# changer# "stackhelp<rp>" -- ) [EXT]  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_narrow_output_stack]

NARROW-INPUT-ARGUMENT(( arg# stk-char variant# changer# "stackhelp<rp>" -- ) [EXT]  => "EXTENSIONS"

0 = default, 1 = 'S', 2 = 'R', ... 4 = 'P', ... 7 = 'M', .. 14 = 'F' arg# is [0] = TOS and [1] = UNDER, same as the pick values where 3 2 1 0 2 pick . =:= 2

primitive code = [p4_narrow_input_argument]

NARROW-OUTPUT-ARGUMENT(( arg# stk-char variant# changer# "stackhelp<rp>" -- ) [EXT]  => "EXTENSIONS"

arg# is [0] = TOS and [1] = UNDER, same as the pick values where 3 2 1 0 2 pick . =:= 2

primitive code = [p4_narrow_output_argument]

NARROW-INPUT-ARGUMENT-NAME(( arg# stk-char variant# changer# "stackhelp<rp>" -- ) [EXT]  => "EXTENSIONS"

0 = default, 1 = 'S', 2 = 'R', ... 4 = 'P', ... 7 = 'M', .. 14 = 'F' arg# is [0] = TOS and [1] = UNDER, same as the pick values where 3 2 1 0 2 pick . =:= 2

primitive code = [p4_narrow_input_argument_name]

NARROW-OUTPUT-ARGUMENT-NAME(( arg# stk-char variant# changer# "stackhelp<rp>" -- ) [EXT]  => "EXTENSIONS"

arg# is [0] = TOS and [1] = UNDER, same as the pick values where 3 2 1 0 2 pick . =:= 2

primitive code = [p4_narrow_output_argument_name]

NARROW-INPUT-ARGUMENT-TYPE(( arg# stk-char variant# changer# "stackhelp<rp>" -- ) [EXT]  => "EXTENSIONS"

0 = default, 1 = 'S', 2 = 'R', ... 4 = 'P', ... 7 = 'M', .. 14 = 'F' arg# is [0] = TOS and [1] = UNDER, same as the pick values where 3 2 1 0 2 pick . =:= 2

primitive code = [p4_narrow_input_argument_type]

NARROW-OUTPUT-ARGUMENT-TYPE(( arg# stk-char which# "stackhelp<rp>" -- ) [EXT]  => "EXTENSIONS"

arg# is [0] = TOS and [1] = UNDER, same as the pick values where 3 2 1 0 2 pick . =:= 2

primitive code = [p4_narrow_output_argument_type]

CANONIC-INPUT-TYPE(( arg# stk-char variant# changer# "stackhelp<rp>" -- ) [EXT]  => "EXTENSIONS"

0 = default, 1 = 'S', 2 = 'R', ... 4 = 'P', ... 7 = 'M', .. 14 = 'F' arg# is [0] = TOS and [1] = UNDER, same as the pick values where 3 2 1 0 2 pick . =:= 2

primitive code = [p4_canonic_input_type]

CANONIC-OUTPUT-TYPE(( arg# stk-char variant# changer# "stackhelp<rp>" -- ) [EXT]  => "EXTENSIONS"

arg# is [0] = TOS and [1] = UNDER, same as the pick values where 3 2 1 0 2 pick . =:= 2

primitive code = [p4_canonic_output_type]

REWRITER-TEST(( "tracked-stack -- input-stack<rp>" -- ) [EXT]  => "EXTENSIONS"

suppose that the left side is a tracked stack line during compiling and the right side is a candidate changer input stack. Test whethr the candidate does match and the complete changer would be allowed to run a rewrite in the track stack buffer.

Possible conditions include: the left side has not enough arguments or... any argument on the right side has a type specialization that does not match as a valid suffix to their counterpart on the left side.

primitive code = [p4_rewriter_test]

REWRITER-INPUT-ARG(( arg# "tracked-stack -- changer<rp>" -- ) [EXT]  => "EXTENSIONS"

suppose that the left side is a tracked stack line during compiling and the right side is a candidate changer input stack. Assume the righthand candidate does match - look at the given argument on the left side and show the prefix being copied to the output trackstack when the rewrite-rule is gettin applied later.

primitive code = [p4_rewriter_input_arg]

REWRITE-LINE(( "stack-layout<rp>" -- ) [EXT]  => "EXTENSIONS"

fill rewrite-buffer with a stack-layout to be processed. see REWRITE-SHOW.

primitive code = [p4_rewrite_line]


show current rewrite-buffer.

primitive code = [p4_rewrite_show]

REWRITE-STACK-TEST(( "stackhelp<rp>" -- ) [EXT]  => "EXTENSIONS"

check whether this stackhelp does match on current rewrite-buffer and say oK/No respectivly.

primitive code = [p4_rewrite_stack_test]

REWRITE-INPUT-ARG(( arg# "stackhelp<rp>" -- ) [EXT]  => "EXTENSIONS"

check whether this stackhelp does match on current rewrite-buffer and in the given input match show us the argument but only the good prefix i.e. the type constraint being cut off already.

primitive code = [p4_rewrite_input_arg]

REWRITE-STACK-RESULT(( "stackhelp<rp>" -- ) [EXT]  => "EXTENSIONS"

rewrite the current rewrite-buffer and show the result that would occur with this stackhelp being applied.

primitive code = [p4_rewrite_stack_result]

NARROW-INPUT-NOTATION(( notation# changer# "stackhelp<rp>" -- ) [EXT]  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_narrow_input_notation]

NARROW-OUTPUT-NOTATION(( notation# changer# "stackhelp<rp>" -- ) [EXT]  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_narrow_output_notation]


(no description)

primitive code = [p4_rewrite_stackdef_test]

REWRITE-STACKDEF-RESULT(( "stackhelp<rp>" -- ) [EXT]  => "EXTENSIONS"

assume: only one changer (if more are provided then only the first is used) only one stackdef variant in inputlist

primitive code = [p4_rewrite_stackdef_result]


(no description)

primitive code = [p4_rewrite_changer_select]


(no description)

primitive code = [p4_rewrite_changer_expand]


(no description)

primitive code = [p4_rewrite_changer_result]

REWRITE-TEST(( "stackhelp<rp>" -- ) [EXT]  => "EXTENSIONS"

Test whether the given changer would match the current line. assume: only one changer (if more are provided then only the first is used)

primitive code = [p4_rewrite_test]


(no description)

primitive code = [p4_rewrite_select]


(no description)

primitive code = [p4_rewrite_expand]


(no description)

primitive code = [p4_rewrite_result]