 * -- Process command line, get memory and start up.
 *  Copyright (C) Tektronix, Inc. 1998 - 2001. All rights reserved.
 *  @see     GNU LGPL
 *  @author  Tektronix CTE              @(#) %derived_by: guidod %
 *  @version %version: bln_mpt1!5.49 %
 *    (%date_modified: Wed Aug 14 16:10:36 2002 %)
 *  @description
 *  Process command line, get memory and start up the interpret loop of PFE
#if defined(__version_control__) && defined(__GNUC__)
static char* id __attribute__((unused)) = 
"@(#) $Id: %full_filespec:  main-sub.c~bln_mpt1!5.49:csrc:bln_12xx!1 % $";

#define	_P4_SOURCE 1

#include <pfe/pfe-base.h>
#include <pfe/def-xtra.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifndef P4_NO_FP
#include <float.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include <pfe/term-sub.h>
#include <pfe/version-sub.h>
#include <pfe/exception-sub.h>
#include <pfe/lined.h>
#include <pfe/_nonansi.h>
#include <pfe/_missing.h>

#include <pfe/option-ext.h>
#include <pfe/logging.h>

#ifndef _export
#define _export
# include <pfe/incl-sub.h>
# include <pfe/def-types.h>

#include <pfe/def-restore.h>

/* Analyze command line options:                                        */
#ifndef CAPS_ON                 /* USER-CONFIG: */
#define	CAPS_ON		0	/* do you like (faked) caps lock by default? */
#ifndef UPPER_CASE_ON           /* USER-CONFIG: */
#define	UPPER_CASE_ON	1	/* allow "dup" to find "DUP" by default */
#ifndef LOWER_CASE_ON           /* USER-CONFIG: */
#define	LOWER_CASE_ON	1	/* allow "Dup" to find "dup" by default */
#ifndef LWRCASE_FN_ON           /* USER-CONFIG: */
#define LWRCASE_FN_ON	1	/* convert file names to lower case? */
#ifndef FLOAT_INPUT_ON          /* USER-CONFIG: */
#define FLOAT_INPUT_ON	1	/* allow input of floating point numbers */

#ifndef TEXT_COLS               /* USER-CONFIG: */
#define	TEXT_COLS	80	/* used only in case p4th fails determining */
#ifndef TEXT_ROWS               /* USER-CONFIG: */
#define	TEXT_ROWS	25	/* the screen size */

#define TOTAL_SIZE (P4_KB*1024) /* the shorthand for default-computations */

#ifndef STACK_SIZE              /* USER-CONFIG: */
#define	STACK_SIZE	0	/* 0 -> P4_KB*1024 / 32 + 256 */
#ifndef RET_STACK_SIZE          /* USER-CONFIG: */
#define	RET_STACK_SIZE	0	/* 0 -> P4_KB*1024 / 64 + 256 */

#ifndef ORDER_LEN               /* USER-CONFIG: */
#define ORDER_LEN 64            /* maximum wordlists in search order */
#ifndef HISTORY_SIZE	        /* USER-CONFIG: */
#define HISTORY_SIZE	0x1000  /* size of command line history buffer */

#ifdef _K12_SOURCE
#define LOWER_CASE_ON 1

 * fill the session struct with precompiled options
_export void
p4_SetOptionsDefault(p4_sessionP set, int len)
    if (set) {
        memset(set, 0, sizeof(*set));

	set->argv = 0;
	set->argc = 0;
        set->bootname = PFE_PACKAGE;
        set->isnotatty = 0;
        set->stdio = 0;
        set->caps_on = CAPS_ON;
        set->find_any_case = LOWER_CASE_ON;
        set->lower_case_fn = LWRCASE_FN_ON;
        set->upper_case_on = UPPER_CASE_ON;
#       ifndef P4_NO_FP
        set->float_input = FLOAT_INPUT_ON;
#       else
        set->float_input = 0;
#       endif
        set->license = 0;
        set->warranty = 0;
        set->quiet = 0;
        set->verbose = 0;
        set->debug = 0;
        set->bye = 0;
        set->cols = TEXT_COLS;
        set->rows = TEXT_ROWS;
        set->total_size = TOTAL_SIZE;
        /* TOTAL_SIZE dependent defaults are moved to dict_allocate */
        set->stack_size = 0;
        set->ret_stack_size = 0;

	set->prefix = PFE_EPREFIX;
        set->max_files = MAX_FILES;
        set->pockets = POCKETS;
        set->bootcommand = 0;
        set->include_file = 0;
        set->incpaths = PFE_INC_PATH;
        set->incext = PFE_INC_EXTENSIONS;
        set->blkpaths = PFE_BLK_PATH;
        set->blkext = PFE_BLK_EXTENSIONS;
        set->cpus = P4_MP;

#      ifndef _K12_SOURCE
	{   /* environment scanning */
	    char* t;
	     * get special options from environment variables:
	    if ((t = getenv ("FORTHINCLUDE")) != NULL)
		set->incpaths = strdup (t); set->heap.incpaths = 1;
		set->blkpaths = strdup (t); set->heap.blkpaths = 1;
	    else if ((t = getenv ("PFEINCLUDE")) != NULL)
		set->incpaths = strdup (t); set->heap.incpaths = 1;
		set->blkpaths = strdup (t); set->heap.blkpaths = 1;
	    if ((t = getenv ("PFEDIR")) != NULL)
		set->prefix = strdup (t); set->heap.prefix = 1;
#      endif

        /* newstyle option-ext support */
        set->opt.dict = set->opt.space;
        set->opt.dp = set->opt.dict;
        set->opt.last = 0;
        set->opt.link = 0;
        if (! len) len = sizeof(*set);
        set->opt.dictlimit = ((p4char*)set) + len;
 * the help_options table is scanned by help_opt for lines starting
 * with "-". It then tries to match the directly following longoption,
 * ie. the one that starts with the doubled "--" . If it does match,
 * the single char at offset +1 is returned. The help_print routine
 * will only show the strings upto the first length 0 string, so you
 * can have invisible options. This is good for having synonyms of
 * longoptions - just map them to the same shortoption. Note that this
 * optionsystem does not allow shortoptions to be assembled into a
 * single arg-position. Note also that it is a good thing to instruct
 * the package user to only use longoptions since the shortoption
 * vector may change but any old longoptions can be moved to the 
 * invisible section (and have them mapped to the new vector or some
 * shortopt vector that would not print well on a terminal, e.g. \8).
static const char* help_options[] = {
    ">> Usage: %s [-#bcdefhklrsv] [file] [args..]",
    "-B --prefix DIR       \t prefix installation path to be used",  
    "-C --case-sensitive   \t turn on case-sensitive matching (no upper)",
    "-c --caps-lock        \t turn on CAPS lock",
    "-e --evaluate         \t bootcommand to evaluate",
    "-f --max-files        \t maximum N simultaneously open files",
    "-F --lowercase-fn     \t convert file names to lower case",
    "-G --float-input      \t allow input of floating point numbers",
    "-i --bootfile FILE    \t use FILE as forth script inside boot",
    "-k --total-size SIZE  \t SIZE of system in KBytes",
    "-l --lower-case       \t base system's wordlists are case insensitive",
    "-L --license          \t display license",
    "-p --pockets N        \t number of pockets for S\"",
    "-q --quiet            \t suppress signon message",
    "-r --ret-stack SIZE   \t SIZE of return stack in cells",
    "-s --stack SIZE       \t SIZE of stack in cells",
    "-t --flt-stack SIZE   \t SIZE of floating point stack in items",
    "-T --screen CxR       \t text screen has C/columns and R/rows",
    "-v --verbose          \t verbose",
    "-V --version          \t version string",
    "-W --warranty         \t display warranty. Of course: Absolutely none.",
    "-y --bye              \t non-interactive, exit after running file",
    "-? --help             \t display this message and exit",
    " * Turn option off by appending \"-\" to the letter.",
    " * The given file is loaded initially.",
    "-I  --path <path>     \t add to search path",
    "-P  --pipe            \t run in pipe, just read from stdio",
    "-!  --debug           \t start debugging",
    " * generic options: (transferred into environment-wordlist)",
    " * --OPTION-string=<str>    set string 'OPTION' (without -string suffix)",
    " * --OPTION-value=<val>     set value  'OPTION' (without -value suffix)",
    " * --OPTION-(file|image|command)=<name> set a string value of this name",
    " * --OPTION-path=<name>     append to 'OPTION-PATH' with path-delim",
    " * --OPTION-cells=<val>     set value 'OPTION-CELLS' in size elements",
    " * --OPTION-base=<val>      set value 'OPTION-BASE' as if an offset",
    " * --OPTION-<on|off>        set value 'OPTION' to flag as true or false",
    " * --OPTION-name=<str>      set strng '$OPTION' to the name string",
    " * --OPTION-size=<val[K]>   set value '/OPTION', understands K=1024 etc.",
    " * --max-OPTION=<val[K]>    set value '#OPTION', understands K=1024 etc.",
    "   e.g. --map-base --map-file --dump-file --str-buffer-size",
    "        --load-image --make-image --block-file --boot-file",
    "        --max-locals --max-cpus --max-files --inc-path",
    "        --data-stack-size --fp-stack-size --return-stack-size",
    "        --editor-name",
    "", /* and some invisible options (usually aliases) */
    "-d  --image-file         gforth' --load-image",
    "-D  --appl-image         gforth' --make-image",
    "-s  --data-stack-size    gforth' --stack",
    "-r  --return-stack-size  gforth' --ret-stack",
    "-t  --fp-stack-size      gforth' --flt-stack",
    "-k  --dictionary-size    gforth' --total-size",
    "-c  --caps               old' --caps-lock",
static void
help_print (p4_sessionP set, FILE* f)
    const char** p;
    if (! f) f = stderr;
    fprintf (f, "%s\n%s\n", p4_version_string (), p4_copyright_string ());
    for (p = help_options; *p && **p; p++)
        if (**p == '-')  fprintf(stderr, "  "); /* indent the options */
        switch ((*p)[1])
	    if ((*p)[1] > ' ') fprintf(f, *p); 
	    else fprintf(f, "  %s", (*p)+2);
	case '>': fprintf(f, *p, set->bootname ? set->bootname : "..." ); 
	case 'B': fprintf(f, "%s [%s]", *p, set->prefix ? set->prefix : "." );
	case 'C': fprintf(f, "%s [%s]", *p, set->upper_case_on ? "OFF":"ON"); 
	case 'c': fprintf(f, "%s [%s]", *p, set->caps_on ? "ON":"OFF"); 
	case 'G': fprintf(f, "%s [%s]", *p, set->float_input ? "ON":"OFF"); 
	case 'f': fprintf(f, "%s [%d]", *p, (int) set->max_files);
	case 'F': fprintf(f, "%s [%s]", *p, set->lower_case_fn ? "ON":"OFF");
	case 'k': fprintf(f, "%s [%d K]", *p, (int) set->total_size >> 10);
	case 'l': fprintf(f, "%s [%s]", *p, set->find_any_case ? "ON":"OFF");
	case 'p': fprintf(f, "%s [%d]", *p, (int) set->pockets);
	case 'r': fprintf(f, "%s [%d]", *p, (int) set->ret_stack_size);
	case 's': fprintf(f, "%s [%d]", *p, (int) set->stack_size);
	case 'T': fprintf(f, "%s [%ix%i]", *p, 
			  (int) set->cols, (int) set->rows); 
        fprintf(f, "\n");
static char
help_opt(const char* str, int l, const char** helptab)
    const char** p;
    const char* q;

    if(! str || ! helptab) return 0;

    if (! l) l = strlen(str);
    if (l == 1) return *str;

    for (p=helptab; *p; p++)
        if (**p != '-') continue;
        q = *p; 
        q++; while (*q && *q != '-') q++; while (*q == '-') q++;
        if (strlen (q) > l && !memcmp (q, str, l) && q[l] == ' ')
            return (*p)[1];
    return 0;
 * parse the command-line options and put them into the session-structure
 * that is used in thread->set. 
 * returns status code (0 == ok, 1 == normal, 2 == error)
 * note, that these argc/argv are given as references! 
_export int
p4_AddOptions (p4_sessionP set, int argc, char* argv[])
    int i, optc, flag;		/* count of all options */
    char ** optv;		/* values of these options */
    char *t, *val;

    if (! argc) return 0;

    if (argc && argv[0]) 
	set->bootname = argv[0];

    if (set->argc)
	/* we have already scanned some options */
	optv = malloc (sizeof(char*) * (set->argc + argc));
	if (!optv) return 2;

	memcpy (&optv[0], set->argv, sizeof(char*) * set->argc);
	memcpy (&optv[set->argc], &argv[1], argc-1);
	optv[set->argc + argc - 1] = 0;
	if (set->heap.optv) free (set->optv);
	set->optv = optv; set->heap.optv = 1;
	optc = set->argc + argc - 1;
	optv = argv + 1; optc = argc - 1;

     * process options:
    for (i = set->argc; i < optc; i++)
        register int l, k, s;
        const char* p;

        t = optv[i]; /* scan options up to first (include-)file argument */
        if (*t == '-') { t++; } else { set->include_file = t; i++; break; } 
        if (*t == '-') {
	    t++; if (*t == '-') { i++; break; } /* triple => no scriptfile */
	    if (!*t) { /* double => stopscanning, use next arg as scriptfile */
		i++;  if (i < optc) { set->include_file = optv[i]; i++; } 
		break; }; 

        k = l = strlen(t);
        p = strchr(t, '='); 
        if (p) { k = p-t; } /* length of key */

        s=0; /* skips i - use if val is consumed */
        flag = 1; /* ON - may be switched to OFF here...*/
        if (k == l && t[k-1] == '-') { k--; flag ^= 1; }
        if (l >= 4 && !strcmp (t, "no-")) { t+=3; k-=3; flag ^= 1; val=t+k; }
        else if (k != l) { val = t + k + 1; } /* seperator = or postfix - */
        else if (i == optc - 1) { val = NULL; }
        else { val = optv[i+1]; s=1; }
        switch (help_opt(t, k, help_options))
        case 'V': fprintf (stdout, "%s\n", p4_version_string ());  
						return 1; continue;
	     * Simple flag options can be -x or -x- to turn them off.
	     * these can be combined into a single option.
	case 'c': set->caps_on = flag;         continue;
	case 'C': set->upper_case_on = ! flag; continue;
	case 'l': set->find_any_case = flag;   continue; /* depracated */
	case 'F': set->lower_case_fn = flag;   continue;
	case 'G': set->float_input = flag;     continue;
	case 'L': set->license = flag;	       continue;
	case 'W': set->warranty = flag;        continue;
	case 'q': set->quiet = flag;           continue;
	case 'v': set->verbose = flag;         continue;
	case 'P': set->stdio = flag;           continue;
	case 'y': set->bye = flag;             continue;
	case '!': set->debug = flag;           continue;

              * Other options have values either following 
              * immediately after the option letter or as 
              * next command line argument:
#       define set__strvar_(VAR) \
	if (set->heap.VAR) free ((void*) set->VAR); \
	set->heap.VAR = 0; set->VAR  
	case 'B': set__strvar_(prefix) = val; 	      i+=s; continue;
	case 'e': set__strvar_(bootcommand) = val;    i+=s; continue;
	case 'k': set->total_size = atoi (val) << 10; i+=s; continue;
	case 'p': set->pockets = atoi (val);	      i+=s; continue;
	case 'r': set->ret_stack_size = atoi (val);   i+=s; continue;
	case 's': set->stack_size = atoi (val);       i+=s; continue;
	case 'f': set->max_files = atoi (val);
	    if (set->max_files < 4) set->max_files = 4;
	    i+=s; continue;
	case 'T':
	    if (sscanf (val, "%dx%d", &set->cols, &set->rows) != 2)
		set->cols = TEXT_COLS, set->rows = TEXT_ROWS;
	    i+=s; continue;

	case 'I': /* this adds the specified string to the internal string */
	    char* p;
	    static const char delimstr[2] = { PFE_PATH_DELIMITER, '\0' };

	    p = malloc (strlen(set->incpaths) + 1 + strlen(val) + 1);
	    if (p) { 
		strcpy (p, set->incpaths);
		strcat (p, delimstr);
		strcat (p, val);
		if (set->heap.incpaths) free ((void*) set->incpaths);
		set->incpaths = p; set->heap.incpaths = 1;

	    p = malloc (strlen(set->blkpaths) + 1 + strlen(val) + 1);
	    if (p) {
		strcpy (p, set->blkpaths);
		strcat (p, delimstr);
		strcat (p, val);
		if (set->heap.blkpaths) free ((void*) set->blkpaths);
		set->blkpaths = p; set->heap.blkpaths = 1;
	    i+=s; continue;
#       ifdef __move_cpus_code_to_forth_vm_init
	case 'C':
	    register int cpus = atoi(val);
	    if (0 < cpus && cpus <= P4_MP_MAX) set->cpus = cpus;
	    else { 
		P4_fail2 ("cpus=%d invalid (max %d allowed)", 
			  cpus, P4_MP_MAX); 
	    i+=s; continue;
#       endif 
        case '?': help_print (set, stdout);  return 1; continue;
            /* generic option setting via option-ext (into environment-wl) */
            p4char path [256];
            if (k > 6 && !memcmp (t + k - 6, "-value", 6))
                p4_change_option_value (t, k-6, 
                                        p4_convsize (val, 1), /* direct */
                i += s;
            else if (k > 7 && !memcmp (t + k - 7, "-string", 7))
                p4_change_option_string (t, k - 7, val, set); 
                i += s;
            else if (k > 5 && !memcmp (t + k - 5, "-path", 5))
                int x;
                memset (path, 0, 256);
                strncpy (path, 
                         p4_search_option_string (t, k, "", set), 
                if ((x = strlen(path)))
                { path[x] = PFE_PATH_DELIMITER; path[x+1] = '\0'; }
                strncat (path, val, 255);
                p4_change_option_string (t, k, path, set);
                i += s;
            else if (k > 5 && !memcmp (t + k - 5, "-file", 5))
                p4_change_option_string (t, k, val, set);
                i += s;
            else if (k > 6 && !memcmp (t + k - 6, "-image", 6))
                p4_change_option_string (t, k, val, set);
                i += s;
            else if (k > 8 && !memcmp (t + k - 8, "-command", 8))
                p4_change_option_string (t, k, val, set);
                i += s;
            else if (k > 6 && !memcmp (t + k - 6, "-cells", 6))
                p4_change_option_value (t, k, 
                                        p4_convsize (val, 1), /* %cells */
                i += s;
            else if (k > 5 && !memcmp (t + k - 5, "-base", 5))
                p4_change_option_value (t, k, 
                                        p4_convsize (val, 1), /* direct */
                i += s;
            else if (k > 5 && !memcmp (t + k - 5, "-size", 5))
                /* --pad-size becomes "environment /pad" */
                path[0] = '/'; memcpy (path+1, t, k - 5);
                p4_change_option_value (path, k-4,
                                        p4_convsize (val, 1),
                i += s;
            else if (k > 5 && !memcmp (t + k - 5, "-name", 5))
                /* --editor-name becomes "environment $editor" */
                path[0] = '$'; memcpy (path+1, t, k - 5);
                p4_change_option_string (path, k-4, val, set);
                i += s;
            else if (k > 4 && !memcmp (t , "max-", 4))
                /* --max-locals becomes "environment #locals" */
                path[0] = '#'; memcpy (path+1, t + 4, k - 4);
                p4_change_option_value (path, k-3,
                                        p4_convsize (val, 1),
                i += s;
            else if (k > 4 && !memcmp (t + k - 4, "-off", 4))
                flag ^= 1;
                p4_change_option_value (t, k - 4, flag, set);
            else if (k > 3 && !memcmp (t + k - 3, "-on", 3))
                p4_change_option_value (t, k - 3, flag, set);
                help_print (set, stderr);  return 2; 
        } /*default*/
        } /*switch*/
     * Register remaining options (without included file name) in app_ argc/v:
    set->argv = &optv[i];
    set->argc = optc - i;
    return 0;
 * initalize the session struct
 * p4_SetOptionsDefault , p4_AddOptions , FreeOptions
_export int
p4_SetOptions (p4_sessionP set, int len, int argc, char* argv[])
    p4_SetOptionsDefault(set, len);
    return p4_AddOptions (set, argc, argv);
 * de-init the session struct
 * p4_SetOptions , p4_AddOptions
_export int
p4_FreeOptions (int returncode, p4_sessionP set)
    if (set->heap.include_file) free ((void*) set->include_file);
    if (set->heap.incpaths)	free ((void*) set->incpaths);
    if (set->heap.incext)	free ((void*) set->incext);
    if (set->heap.blkpaths)	free ((void*) set->blkpaths);
    if (set->heap.blkext)	free ((void*) set->blkext);
    if (set->heap.prefix)	free ((void*) set->prefix);
    if (set->heap.bootcommand)	free ((void*) set->bootcommand);
    if (set->heap.optv)		free ((void*) set->optv);
    return returncode;
 * set prelinked-modules-table
_export int
p4_SetModules (p4_sessionP set, p4Words* modules)
    set->modules = modules;
    return 0;
/* physical instance of the global system variable:                     */
#ifndef _export
#define _export
# ifndef P4_REGTH
/* */ 
extern p4_threadP p4TH;
#  else
/* */ 
extern struct p4_Thread  p4_reg;
/* */ 
extern struct p4_Session p4_opt;
#  endif
# endif

#ifndef P4_REGTH
p4_threadP p4TH;
# else
struct p4_Thread  p4_reg;
struct p4_Session p4_opt;
static  char allocated_p4_reg = 0;
static  char allocated_p4_opt = 0;
# endif

_export p4_sessionP
p4_NewSessionOptions (int extra)
    if (allocated_p4_opt)
        return 0;
    p4_SetOptionsDefault (&p4_opt, sizeof(p4_opt));
    allocated_p4_opt = 1;
    return &p4_opt;
#  else
    p4_sessionP ptr = malloc (sizeof(*ptr)+extra);
    p4_SetOptionsDefault (ptr, sizeof(*ptr)+extra);
    return ptr;
#  endif
_export p4_threadP
p4_NewThreadOptions (p4_sessionP set)
    if (allocated_p4_reg)
        return 0;
    p4_reg.set = set;
    allocated_p4_reg = 1;
    return &p4_reg;
#  else
    p4_threadP ptr = malloc (sizeof(*ptr));
    memset (ptr, 0, sizeof(*ptr));
    ptr->set = set;
    return ptr;
#  endif
_export p4_threadP
p4_SetThreadOf(p4_threadP ptr, p4_sessionP set)
    if (! ptr) return ptr;
    memset (ptr, 0, sizeof (*ptr));
    ptr->set = set;
    return ptr;
_export void
p4_FreeSessionPtr (p4_sessionP ptr)
    if (ptr != &p4_opt)
        return 1;
    return ((allocated_p4_opt = 0));
#  else
    if (ptr) free (ptr);
#  endif
_export void
p4_FreeThreadPtr (p4_threadP ptr)
    if (ptr != &p4_reg)
        return 1;
    return ((allocated_p4_reg = 0));
#  else
    if (ptr) free (ptr);
#  endif
/* Initialize memory map:                                               */
p4_SetDictMem (p4_threadP thread, void* dictmem, long size)
    if (!dictmem) return;
    thread->p[P4_MEM_SLOT] = dictmem;
    thread->moptrs = P4_MEM_SLOT;   /* _cleanup shall not free this one */
    thread->set->total_size = size; /* or any later module mem pointer */
static void
init_accept_lined (void)
    extern void accept_executes_xt (int);
    static void (*exec[10]) (int) =
	accept_executes_xt, accept_executes_xt, accept_executes_xt,
	accept_executes_xt, accept_executes_xt, accept_executes_xt,
	accept_executes_xt, accept_executes_xt, accept_executes_xt,
    memset (&PFE.accept_lined, 0, sizeof PFE.accept_lined);
    PFE.accept_lined.history = PFE.history;
    PFE.accept_lined.history_max = PFE.history_top - PFE.history;
    PFE.accept_lined.complete = p4_complete_dictionary ;
    PFE.accept_lined.executes = exec;
    PFE.accept_lined.caps = PFE_set.caps_on != 0;

typedef char pock_t[POCKET_SIZE];
/* Here's main()                                                        */
static void p4_atexit_cleanup (void);

/* distinct for each tread ! */
_export p4_threadP p4_main_threadP = NULL; 

 * note the argument 
p4_main (p4_threadP th)
    char const * s;

#  ifdef VXWORKS
    extern int taskVarAdd (int, int*);
    extern int taskIdSelf ();
    taskVarAdd (taskIdSelf (), (int*) &p4_main_threadP);
#  endif
    p4_main_threadP = th;  

#  define p4_main_threadP_TO_p4TH 
#  else
#  define p4_main_threadP_TO_p4TH \
   p4TH = p4_main_threadP
#  endif


    setlocale (LC_ALL, "C");
#  endif
#  if defined SYS_EMX
    _control87 (EM_DENORMAL | EM_INEXACT, MCW_EM);
#  endif

    switch (setjmp (PFE.loop))
    case 'A':
    case 'Q':
	P4_fatal ("Fatal Run Error");
            extern FCode(p4_come_back); /*:debug-ext:*/ 
#         ifdef P4_RP_IN_VM
            if (p4_R0) RP = p4_R0; /* quit_system */
            FX (p4_come_back); 
#         endif
	p4_atexit_cleanup ();
	return -1;
    case 'X':
	P4_info ("Exiting");
	p4_atexit_cleanup ();
	return PFE.exitcode;

    /* _______________ terminal settings _____________ */


#  if !defined __WATCOMC__
    if (! isatty (STDIN_FILENO))
        PFE_set.stdio = 1;
#  endif
    if (PFE_set.stdio)
        PFE_set.isnotatty = P4_TTY_ISPIPE;
        if (! p4_prepare_terminal ())
            if (! PFE_set.quiet)
                fputs (
		    "[unknown terminal, "
#                  if defined ASSUME_VT100
		    "assuming vt100"
#                  elif defined ASSUME_DUMBTERM
		    "assuming dumb terminal"
#                  else
		    "running without terminal mode"
#                  endif
		    "]\n", stderr);
#          if !defined ASSUME_VT100 && !defined ASSUME_DUMBTERM
            PFE_set.isnotatty = P4_TTY_ISPIPE;
#          endif

	if (PFE_set.bye)
            PFE_set.isnotatty = P4_TTY_NOECHO;
	    p4_interactive_terminal ();
	    PFE.system_terminal = &p4_system_terminal;

    if (! PFE_set.debug)
        p4_install_signal_handlers ();
    if (! PFE_set.quiet)
        p4_outs ("\\ ");
        p4_outs (p4_version_string ());
	if(! PFE_set.include_file) 
	    p4_outs (p4_copyright_string ());
	if (PFE_set.license)
	    p4_outs (p4_license_string ());
	if (PFE_set.warranty)
	    p4_outs (p4_warranty_string ());
	if (! PFE_set.bye)
	    if (! PFE_set.license || ! PFE_set.warranty)
		p4_outs ("\n\nPlease enter LICENSE and WARRANTY. ");
		p4_outs ("\n\nHi there, enjoy Forth! ");
#         ifndef _K12_SOURCE /* BYE does'nt make sense in an embedded system */
                p4_outs ("- To quit say BYE.\n");
#         else
		p4_outs ("- To restart say COLD.\n");
#         endif /* _K12_SOURCE */
    if (PFE.rows == 0)
        PFE.rows = PFE_set.rows;
    if (PFE.cols == 0)
        PFE.cols = PFE_set.cols;

    p4TH->atexit_cleanup = &p4_atexit_cleanup;
    /* _______________ dictionary block __________________ */
# ifdef USE_MMAP
    if ((s = p4_search_option_string ("map-file", 8, 0, PFE.set)))
        p4ucell l = p4_search_option_value ("map-base", 8, 0, PFE.set);
	PFE.mapfile_fd = p4_mmap_creat (s, l, PFE_set.total_size);
	if (! PFE.mapfile_fd)
	    P4_fail1 ("[%p] mapfile failed", p4TH);
	    P4_info3 ("[%p] mapped at %8p len %d", 
		      p4TH, PFE_MEM, PFE_set.total_size);
# endif
    if (! PFE_MEM) 
#      ifndef P4_MIN_KB
#      define P4_MIN_KB 60
#      endif
        unsigned long total_size = 
            p4_search_option_value ("/total", 6, PFE_set.total_size, PFE.set);
        if (total_size < P4_MIN_KB*1024) total_size = P4_MIN_KB*1024;

        PFE_MEM = p4_xcalloc (1, (size_t) total_size);
        if (PFE_MEM)
            P4_info3 ("[%p] newmem at %p len %lu",
		      p4TH, PFE_MEM, total_size);
            P4_fail3 ("[%p] FAILED to alloc any base memory (len %lu): %s",
		      p4TH, total_size, 
        if (total_size != PFE_set.total_size)
            P4_info3 ("[%p] OVERRIDE total_size %lu -> %lu",
                      p4TH, (unsigned long) PFE_set.total_size, total_size);
            PFE_set.total_size = total_size;

    /* ________________ initialize _____________ */

    PFE.dict = PFE_MEM;
    PFE.dictlimit = PFE.dict + PFE_set.total_size;

    p4_dict_allocate (PFE_set.pockets, sizeof(pock_t), sizeof(char),
                      (void**) & PFE.pockets, 0 );

    PFE_set.history_size = 
        p4_search_option_value ("/history", 8, HISTORY_SIZE, PFE.set);
    p4_dict_allocate (PFE_set.history_size, sizeof(char), sizeof(char),
                      (void**) & PFE.history, (void**) & PFE.history_top);

    p4_dict_allocate (PFE_set.max_files+3, sizeof(File), PFE_ALIGNOF_CELL,
                      (void**) & PFE.files, (void**) & PFE.files_top);

    p4_dict_allocate (TIB_SIZE, sizeof(char), sizeof(char),
                      (void**) & PFE.tib, (void**) & PFE.tib_end);

    if (! PFE_set.ret_stack_size)
        PFE_set.ret_stack_size = 
            p4_search_option_value (
                "return-stack-cells", 18,
                RET_STACK_SIZE ? RET_STACK_SIZE 
                : (PFE_set.total_size / 64 + 256) / sizeof(p4cell), PFE.set);
    p4_dict_allocate (PFE_set.ret_stack_size, sizeof(p4xt*), 
                      (void**) & PFE.rstack, (void**) & PFE.r0);
    if (! PFE_set.stack_size)
        PFE_set.stack_size = 
            p4_search_option_value (
                "stack-cells", 11,
                STACK_SIZE ? STACK_SIZE
                : (PFE_set.total_size / 32 + 256)  / sizeof(p4cell), PFE.set);
    p4_dict_allocate (PFE_set.stack_size, sizeof(p4cell),  
                      (void**) & PFE.stack, (void**) & PFE.s0);

    PFE_set.wordlists = 
        p4_search_option_value ("wordlists", 9, ORDER_LEN, PFE.set);
    p4_dict_allocate (PFE_set.wordlists+1, sizeof(void*), sizeof(void*),
                      (void**) & PFE.context, (void**) 0);
    p4_dict_allocate (PFE_set.wordlists, sizeof(void*), sizeof(void*),
                      (void**) & PFE.dforder, (void**) 0);

    if (PFE.dictlimit < PFE.dict + MIN_PAD + MIN_HOLD + 0x4000)
	P4_fatal ("impossible memory map");
	PFE.exitcode = 3;
	p4_longjmp_exit ();

    init_accept_lined ();

    /* should be splitted into boot-core exec-bootcommand boot-extensions */
    p4_boot_system ();


    /* USER-CONF --load-image=<file>            (alias --image-file=<name>) */
    s = p4_search_option_string ("image-file", 10, 0, PFE.set); /* gforth's */
    s = p4_search_option_string ("load-image", 10, s, PFE.set); /* pfe's */
    if (s)
        P4_fail2 ("[%p] load wordset image-file not implemented: %s", p4TH, s);

    /* _______________ evaluate ________________ */

    /* process the boot command: */
    if (PFE_set.bootcommand)
        p4_evaluate (PFE_set.bootcommand, strlen(PFE_set.bootcommand));

    /* Include file from command line: */
    if (PFE_set.include_file)
        p4_included1 (PFE_set.include_file, strlen (PFE_set.include_file), 0);
    /* If running in a pipe, process commands from stdin: */
    if (PFE_set.stdio)
        p4_include_file (PFE.stdIn);
        PFE.atexit_cleanup ();
        return 0;
    /* If it's a turnkey-application, start it: */
        p4_run_forth (APPLICATION);
        PFE.atexit_cleanup ();
        return 0;
    if (PFE_set.verbose)
        FX (p4_dot_memory);
    if (! PFE_set.bye)
	p4_interpret_loop (); /* will catch QUIT, ABORT, COLD .. and BYE */
    PFE.atexit_cleanup ();
    return 0;
 * init and execute the previously allocated forth-maschine,
 * e.g. pthread_create(thread_id,0,p4_Exec,threadP);
_export int 
p4_Exec(p4_threadP th)
    auto volatile int retval;
    retval = p4_main(th);
    return retval;
static void
p4_atexit_cleanup (void)
    extern void p4_cleanup_terminal (void);
    P4_enter ("atexit cleanup");

    PFE.atexit_running = 1;
    p4_forget ((FENCE = PFE_MEM));
    if (PFE.system_terminal)    /* call this once, with the first cpu */
        PFE.system_terminal ();
    p4_cleanup_terminal ();

#  ifdef USE_MMAP
    if (PFE.mapfile_fd)
	p4_mmap_close(PFE.mapfile_fd, PFE_MEM, PFE_set.total_size);
        PFE_MEM = 0; PFE.mapfile_fd = 0;
        P4_info1 ("[%p] unmapped basemem", p4TH);      
#  endif

    { /* see if there's some memory chunk still to be freed */
        register int i;
        register int moptrs = PFE.moptrs ? PFE.moptrs : P4_MOPTRS;
        for ( i=0; i < moptrs; i++) {
            if (PFE.p[i]) { 
                P4_info3 ("[%p] free %d. %p", p4TH, i, PFE.p[i]);
                p4_xfree (PFE.p[i]); PFE.p[i] = 0; 
    P4_leave ("atexit cleanup done");
 * Local variables:
 * c-file-style: "stroustrup"
 * End: