"Core words + extensions"core
The Core Wordset contains the most of the essential words
for ANS Forth.
core ordinary primitive
see also HOLD for old-style forth-formatting words
and PRINTF of the C-style formatting - this word
divides the argument by BASE and add it to the
picture space - it should be used inside of <#
and #>
| core ordinary primitive
see also HOLD for old-style forth-formatting words
and PRINTF of the C-style formatting - this word
drops the argument and returns the picture space
| core ordinary primitive
see also HOLD for old-style forth-formatting words
and PRINTF of the C-style formatting - this word
does repeat the word # for a number of times, until
the argument becomes zero. Hence the result is always
null - it should be used inside of <# and #>
| core ordinary primitive
eat everything up to the next closing paren - treat it
as a comment.
| core immediate primitive
return the multiply of the two args
| core ordinary primitive
[ANS] */ no special info, see general notes core ordinary primitive
[ANS] */MOD no special info, see general notes core ordinary primitive
return the sum of the two args
| core ordinary primitive
add val to the value found in addr
: +! TUCK @ + SWAP ! ;
| core ordinary primitive
compile ((+LOOP)) which will use the increment
as the loop-offset instead of just 1. See the
DO and LOOP construct.
| core compiling primitive
store the value in the dictionary
: , DP 1 CELLS DP +! ! ;
| core ordinary primitive
return the difference of the two arguments
| core ordinary primitive
print the numerical value to stdout - uses BASE
| core ordinary primitive
[ANS] ." no special info, see general notes core compiling primitive
return the quotient of the two arguments
| core ordinary primitive
divide a and b and return both
quotient n and remainder m
| core ordinary primitive
return a flag that is true if val is lower than zero
: 0< 0 < ;
| core ordinary primitive
return a flag that is true if val is just zero
: 0= 0 = ;
| core ordinary primitive
return the value incremented by one
: 1+ 1 + ;
| core ordinary primitive
return the value decremented by one
: 1- 1 - ;
| core ordinary primitive
core ordinary primitive
multiplies the value with two - but it
does actually use a shift1 to be faster
: 2* 2 * ; ( canonic) : 2* 1 LSHIFT ; ( usual)
| core ordinary primitive
divides the value by two - but it
does actually use a shift1 to be faster
: 2/ 2 / ; ( canonic) : 2/ 1 RSHIFT ; ( usual)
| core ordinary primitive
core ordinary primitive
double-cell drop, also used to drop two items
| core ordinary primitive
double-cell duplication, also used to duplicate
two items
: 2DUP OVER OVER ; ( wrong would be : 2DUP DUP DUP ; !!)
| core ordinary primitive
double-cell over, see OVER and 2DUP
: 2OVER SP@ 2 CELLS + 2@ ;
| core ordinary primitive
double-cell swap, see SWAP and 2DUP
: 2SWAP LOCALS| B1 B2 A1 A2 | B2 B1 A2 A1 ;
| core ordinary primitive
create a header for a nesting word and go to compiling
mode then. This word is usually ended with ; but
the execution of the resulting colon-word can also
return with EXIT
| core defining primitive
compiles ((;)) which does EXIT the current
colon-definition. It does then end compile-mode
and returns to execute-mode. See : and :NONAME
| core compiling primitive
return a flag telling if a is lower than b
| core ordinary primitive
see also HOLD for old-style forth-formatting words
and PRINTF of the C-style formatting - this word
does initialize the pictured numeric output space.
| core ordinary primitive
return a flag telling if a is equal to b
| core ordinary primitive
return a flag telling if a is greater than b
| core ordinary primitive
adjust the execution-token (ie. the CFA) to point
to the parameter field (ie. the PFA) of a word.
this is not a constant operation - most words have their
parameters at "1 CELLS +" but CREATE/DOES-words have the
parameters at "2 CELLS +" and ROM/USER words go indirect
with a rom'ed offset i.e. "CELL + @ UP +"
| core ordinary primitive
[ANS] >IN no special info, see general notes core threadstate variable
try to convert a string into a number, and place
that number at a,a respeciting BASE
| core ordinary primitive
save the value onto the return stack. The return
stack must be returned back to clean state before
an exit and you should note that the return-stack
is also touched by the DO ... WHILE loop.
Use R> to clean the stack and R@ to get the
last value put by >R
| core ordinary primitive
one of the rare words whose stack-change is
condition-dependet. This word will duplicate
the value only if it is not zero. The usual
place to use it is directly before a control-word
that can go to different places where we can
spare an extra DROP on the is-null-part.
This makes the code faster and often a little
easier to read.
: XX BEGIN ?DUP WHILE DUP . 2/ REPEAT ; instead of
| core ordinary primitive
fetch the value from the variables address
| core ordinary primitive
return the absolute value
| core ordinary primitive
get a string from terminal into the named input
buffer, returns the number of bytes being stored
in the buffer. May provide line-editing functions.
| core ordinary primitive
will make the dictionary aligned, usually to a
cell-boundary, see ALIGNED
| core ordinary primitive
uses the value (being usually a dictionary-address)
and increment it to the required alignment for the
dictionary which is usually in CELLS - see also
| core ordinary primitive
make room in the dictionary - usually called after
to make for an array of variables. Does not
initialize the space allocated from the dictionary-heap.
The count is in bytes - use CELLS ALLOT to allocate
a field of cells.
| core ordinary primitive
mask with a bitwise and - be careful when applying
it to logical values.
| core ordinary primitive
[ANS] BASE no special info, see general notes core threadstate variable
core compiling primitive
a quick constant returning the blank character in host encoding,
in ascii that is 0x20
| core ordinary constant
store the byte-value at address, see !
| core ordinary primitive
store a new byte-value in the dictionary, implicit 1 ALLOT,
see ,
| core ordinary primitive
fetch a byte-value from the address, see @
| core ordinary primitive
adjust the value by adding a single Cell's width
- the value is often an address or offset, see CELLS
| core ordinary primitive
scale the value by the sizeof a Cell
the value is then often applied to an address or
fed into ALLOT
| core ordinary primitive
return the (ascii-)value of the following word's
first character.
| core ordinary primitive
increment the value by the sizeof one char
- the value is often a pointer or an offset,
| core ordinary primitive
scale the value by the sizeof a char
- the value is then often applied to an address or
fed into ALLOT (did you expect that sizeof(p4char)
may actually yield 2 bytes?)
| core ordinary primitive
CREATE a new word with runtime ((CONSTANT))
so that the value placed here is returned everytime
the constant's name is used in code. See VALUE
for constant-like names that are expected to change
during execution of the program. In a ROM-able
forth the CONSTANT-value may get into a shared
ROM-area and is never copied to a RAM-address.
| core defining primitive
usually before calling TYPE
| core ordinary primitive
print a carriage-return/new-line on stdout
| core ordinary primitive
set the BASE to 10
| core ordinary primitive
return the depth of the parameter stack before
the call, see SP@ - the return-value is in CELLS
| core ordinary primitive
pushes $end and $start onto the return-stack ( >R )
and starts a control-loop that ends with LOOP or
+LOOP and may get a break-out with LEAVE . The
loop-variable can be accessed with I
| core compiling primitive
does twist the last CREATE word to carry
the (DOES>) runtime. That way, using the
word will execute the code-piece following DOES>
where the pfa of the word is already on stack.
(note: FIG option will leave pfa+cell since does-rt is stored in pfa)
| core compiling primitive
just drop the word on the top of stack, see DUP
| core ordinary primitive
duplicate the cell on top of the stack - so the
two topmost cells have the same value (they are
equal w.r.t = ) , see DROP for the inverse
| core ordinary primitive
will compile an ((ELSE)) BRANCH that performs an
unconditional jump to the next THEN - and it resolves
an IF for the non-true case
| core compiling primitive
print the char-value on stack to stdout
| core ordinary primitive
check the environment for a property, usually
a condition like questioning the existance of
specified wordset, but it can also return some
implementation properties like "WORDLISTS"
(the length of the search-order) or "#LOCALS"
(the maximum number of locals)
Here it implements the environment queries as a SEARCH-WORDLIST
in a user-visible vocabulary called ENVIRONMENT
| core ordinary primitive
core ordinary primitive
run the execution-token on stack - this will usually
trap if it was null for some reason, see >EXECUTE
| core ordinary primitive
will unnest the current colon-word so it will actually
return the word calling it. This can be found in the
middle of a colon-sequence between : and ;
| core compiling primitive
fill a memory area with the given char, does now
simply call memset()
| core ordinary primitive
looks into the current search-order and tries to find
the name string as the name of a word. Returns its
execution-token or the original-bstring if not found,
along with a flag-like value that is zero if nothing
could be found. Otherwise it will be 1 if the word had
been immediate, -1 otherwise.
| core ordinary primitive
divide the double-cell value n1 by n2 and return
both (floored) quotient n and remainder m
| core ordinary primitive
used with WORD and many compiling words
simulate: : HERE DP @ ;
| core ordinary primitive
the old-style forth-formatting system -- this
word adds a char to the picutred output string.
| core ordinary primitive
returns the index-value of the innermost DO .. LOOP
| core ordinary primitive
checks the value on the stack (at run-time, not compile-time)
and if true executes the code-piece between IF and the next
ELSE or THEN . Otherwise it has compiled a branch over
to be executed if the value on stack had been null at run-time.
| core compiling primitive
core ordinary primitive
make a bitwise negation of the value on stack.
see also NEGATE
| core ordinary primitive
get the current DO ... LOOP index-value being
the not-innnermost. (the second-innermost...)
see also for the other loop-index-values at
I and K
| core ordinary primitive
return a single character from the keyboard - the
key is not echoed.
| core ordinary primitive
quit the innermost DO .. LOOP - it does even
clean the return-stack and branches to the place directly
after the next LOOP
| core ordinary primitive
if compiling this will take the value from the compiling-stack
and puts in dictionary so that it will pop up again at the
run-time of the word currently in creation. This word is used
in compiling words but may also be useful in making a hard-constant
value in some code-piece like this:
: DCELLS [ 2 CELLS ] LITERAL * ; ( will save a multiplication at runtime)
(in most configurations this word is statesmart and it will do nothing
in interpret-mode. See LITERAL, for a non-immediate variant)
| core compiling primitive
resolves a previous DO thereby compiling ((LOOP)) which
does increment/decrement the index-value and branch back if
the end-value of the loop has not been reached.
| core compiling primitive
does a bitwise left-shift on value
| core ordinary primitive
multiply and return a double-cell result
| core ordinary primitive
return the maximum of a and b
| core ordinary primitive
return the minimum of a and b
| core ordinary primitive
return the module of "a mod b"
| core ordinary primitive
core ordinary primitive
return the arithmetic negative of the (signed) cell
simulate: : NEGATE -1 * ;
| core ordinary primitive
return the bitwise OR of a and b - unlike AND this
is usually safe to use on logical values
| core ordinary primitive
get the value from under the top of stack. The inverse
operation would be TUCK
| core ordinary primitive
will compile the following word at the run-time of the
current-word which is a compiling-word. The point is that
POSTPONE takes care of the fact that word may be
an IMMEDIATE-word that flags for a compiling word, so it
must be executed (and not pushed directly) to compile
sth. later. Choose this word in favour of COMPILE
(for non-immediate words) and [COMPILE] (for immediate
| core compiling primitive
this will throw and lead back to the outer-interpreter.
traditionally, the outer-interpreter is called QUIT
in forth itself where the first part of the QUIT-word
had been to clean the stacks (and some other variables)
and then turn to an endless loop containing QUERY
and EVALUATE (otherwise known as INTERPRET )
- in pfe it is defined as a THROW ,
: QUIT -56 THROW ;
| core ordinary primitive
get back a value from the return-stack that had been saved
there using >R . This is the traditional form of a local
var space that could be accessed with R@ later. If you
need more local variables you should have a look at LOCALS|
which does grab some space from the return-stack too, but names
them the way you like.
| core ordinary primitive
fetch the (upper-most) value from the return-stack that had
been saved there using >R - This is the traditional form of a local
var space. If you need more local variables you should have a
look at LOCALS| , see also >R and R> . Without LOCALS-EXT
there are useful words like 2R@ R'@ R"@ R!
| core ordinary primitive
when creating a colon word the name of the currently-created
word is smudged, so that you can redefine a previous word
of the same name simply by using its name. Sometimes however
one wants to recurse into the current definition instead of
calling the older defintion. The RECURSE word does it
exactly this.
traditionally the following code had been in use:
now use
| core immediate primitive
ends an unconditional loop, see BEGIN
| core compiling primitive
rotates the three uppermost values on the stack,
the other direction would be with -ROT - please
have a look at LOCALS| and VAR that can avoid
its use.
| core ordinary primitive
does a bitwise logical right-shift on value
(ie. the value is considered to be unsigned)
| core ordinary primitive
if compiling then place the string into the currently
compiled word and on execution the string pops up
again as a double-cell value yielding the string's address
and length. To be most portable this is the word to be
best being used. Compare with C" and non-portable "
| core compiling primitive
signed extension of a single-cell value to a double-cell value
| core ordinary primitive
put the sign of the value into the hold-space, this is
the forth-style output formatting, see HOLD
| core ordinary primitive
core ordinary primitive
core ordinary primitive
print a single space to stdout, see SPACES
simulate: : SPACE BL EMIT ;
| core ordinary primitive
print n space to stdout, actually a loop over n calling SPACE ,
but the implemenation may take advantage of printing chunks of
spaces to speed up the operation.
| core ordinary primitive
[ANS] STATE no special info, see general notes core threadstate variable
exchanges the value on top of the stack with the value beneath it
| core ordinary primitive
does resolve a branch coming from either IF or ELSE
| core compiling primitive
prints the string-buffer to stdout, see COUNT and EMIT
| core ordinary primitive
print unsigned number to stdout
| core ordinary primitive
unsigned comparison, see <
| core ordinary primitive
unsigned multiply returning double-cell value
| core ordinary primitive
core ordinary primitive
drop the DO .. LOOP runtime variables from the return-stack,
usually used just in before an EXIT call. Using this multiple
times can unnest multiple nested loops.
| core ordinary primitive
ends an control-loop, see BEGIN and compare with WHILE
| core compiling primitive
CREATE a new variable, so that everytime the variable is
name, the address is returned for using with @ and !
- be aware that in FIG-forth VARIABLE did take an argument
being the initial value. ANSI-forth does different here.
| core defining primitive
middle part of a BEGIN .. WHILE .. REPEAT
control-loop - if cond is true the code-piece up to REPEAT
is executed which will then jump back to BEGIN - and if
the cond is null then WHILE will branch to right after
(compare with UNTIL that forms a BEGIN .. UNTIL loop)
| core compiling primitive
read the next SOURCE section (thereby moving >IN ) up
to the point reaching $delimiter-char - the text is placed
at HERE - where you will find a counted string. You may
want to use PARSE instead.
| core ordinary primitive
return the bitwise-or of the two arguments - it may be unsafe
use it on logical values. beware.
| core ordinary primitive
leave compiling mode - often used inside of a colon-definition
to make fetch some very constant value and place it into the
currently compiled colon-defintion with , or LITERAL
- the corresponding unleave word is ]
| core immediate primitive
will place the execution token of the following word into
the dictionary. See ' for non-compiling variant.
| core compiling primitive
in compile-mode, get the (ascii-)value of the first charachter
in the following word and compile it as a literal so that it
will pop up on execution again. See CHAR and forth-83 ASCII
| core compiling primitive
enter compiling mode - often used inside of a colon-definition
to end a previous [ - you may find a , or LITERAL
nearby in example texts.
| core ordinary primitive
[ANS] #TIB no special info, see general notes core threadstate variable
print the message to the screen while reading a file. This works
too while compiling, so you can whatch the interpretation/compilation
to go on. Some Forth-implementations won't even accept a ." message"
outside compile-mode while the (current) pfe does.
| core immediate primitive
print with precision - that is to fill
a field of the give prec-with with
right-aligned number from the converted value
| core ordinary primitive
returns a logical-value saying if the value was not-zero.
This is most useful in turning a numerical value into a
boolean value that can be fed into bitwise words like
AND and XOR - a simple IF or WHILE doesn't
need it actually.
| core ordinary primitive
return value greater than zero
simulate: : 0> 0 > ;
| core ordinary primitive
save a double-cell value onto the return-stack, see >R
| core ordinary primitive
pop back a double-cell value from the return-stack, see R>
and the earlier used 2>R
| core ordinary primitive
fetch a double-cell value from the return-stack, that had been
previously been put there with 2>R - see R@ for single value.
This can partly be a two-cell LOCALS| value, without LOCALS-EXT
there are alos other useful words like 2R! R'@ R"@
| core ordinary primitive
start a colon nested-word but do not use CREATE - so no name
is given to the colon-definition that follows. When the definition
is finished at the corresponding ; the start-address (ie.
the execution token) can be found on the outer cs.stack that may
be stored used elsewhere then.
| core defining primitive
return true if a and b are not equal, see =
| core ordinary primitive
start a control-loop just like DO - but don't execute
atleast once. Instead jump over the code-piece if the loop's
variables are not in a range to allow any loop.
| core compiling primitive
ends an infinite loop, see BEGIN and compare with
| core compiling primitive
in compiling mode place the following string in the current
word and return the address of the counted string on execution.
(in exec-mode use a POCKET and leave the bstring-address of it),
see S" string" and the non-portable " string"
| core compiling primitive
start a CASE construct that ends at ENDCASE
and compares the value on stack at each OF place
| core compiling primitive
place the execution-token on stack into the dictionary - in
traditional forth this is not even the least different than
a simple , but in call-threaded code there's a big
difference - so COMPILE, is the portable one. Unlike
COMPILE , [COMPILE] and POSTPONE this word does
not need the xt to have actually a name, see :NONAME
| core ordinary primitive
digit conversion, obsolete, superseded by >NUMBER
| core ordinary primitive
ends a CASE construct that may surround multiple sections of
OF ... ENDOF code-portions. The ENDCASE has to resolve the
branches that are necessary at each ENDOF to point to right after
| core compiling primitive
resolve the branch need at the previous OF to mark
a code-piece and leave with an unconditional branch
at the next ENDCASE (opened by CASE )
| core compiling primitive
fill an area will zeros.
| core ordinary primitive
input handling, see WORD and PARSE and QUERY
the input string is placed at str-adr and its length
in SPAN - this word is superceded by ACCEPT
| core ordinary primitive
[ANS] FALSE no special info, see general notes core ordinary constant
set the input/output BASE to hexadecimal
simulate: : HEX 16 BASE ! ;
| core ordinary primitive
create a named marker that you can use to FORGET ,
running the created word will reset the dict/order variables
to the state at the creation of this name.
see also ANEW which is not defined in ans-forth but which uses
the MARKER functionality in the way it should have been defined.
| core ordinary primitive
drop the value under the top of stack, inverse of TUCK
simulate: : NIP SWAP DROP ;
| core ordinary primitive
compare the case-value placed lately with the comp-value
being available since CASE - if they are equal run the
following code-portion up to ENDOF after which the
case-construct ends at the next ENDCASE
| core compiling primitive
core ordinary primitive
parse a piece of input (not much unlike WORD) and place
it into the given buffer. The difference with word is
also that WORD would first skip any delim-char while
PARSE does not and thus may yield that one. In a newer
version, PARSE will not copy but just return the word-span
being seen in the input-buffer - therefore a transient space.
| core ordinary primitive
pick the nth value from under the top of stack and push it
note that
| core ordinary primitive
source input: read from terminal using _accept_ with the
returned string to show up in TIB of /TIB size.
| core ordinary primitive
try to get a new input line from the SOURCE and set
>IN accordingly. Return a flag if sucessful, which is
always true if the current input comes from a
terminal and which is always false if the current input
comes from EVALUATE - and may be either if the
input comes from a file
| core ordinary primitive
core ordinary primitive
the extended form of ROT
| core ordinary primitive
fetch the current state of the input-channel which
may be restored with RESTORE-INPUT later
| core ordinary primitive
[ANS] SOURCE-ID no special info, see general notes core loader code P4_DVaL
core threadstate variable
traditional variable for forth terminal I/O system.
(Terminal Input Buffer) ( TIB SPAN SOURCE BLK )
| core loader code P4_DVaL
set the parameter field of name to the value, this is used
to change the value of a VALUE and it can be also used
to change the value of LOCALS|
| core compiling primitive
[ANS] TRUE no special info, see general notes core ordinary constant
shove the top-value under the value beneath. See OVER
and NIP
simulate: : TUCK SWAP OVER ;
| core ordinary primitive
print right-aligned in a prec-field, treat value to
be unsigned as opposed to .R
| core ordinary primitive
unsigned comparison of a and b, see >
| core ordinary primitive
return the number of cells that are left to be used
above HERE
| core ordinary primitive
CREATE a word and initialize it with value. Using it
later will push the value back onto the stack. Compare with
VARIABLE and CONSTANT - look also for LOCALS| and
| core defining primitive
a widely used word, returns ( b <= a a < c ) so
that is very useful to check an index a of an array
to be within range b to c
| core ordinary primitive
while compiling the next word will be place in the currently
defined word no matter if that word is immediate (like IF )
- compare with COMPILE and POSTPONE
| core immediate primitive
eat everything up to the next end-of-line so that it is
getting ignored by the interpreter.
| core immediate primitive
This is the non-portable word which is why the ANSI-committee
on forth has created the two other words, namely S" and C" ,
since each implementation (and in pfe configurable) uses another
runtime behaviour. FIG-forth did return bstring which is the configure
default for pfe.
| core immediate synonym
the ANS'94 standard describes this word in a comment
under PARSE , section A.6.2.2008 - quote:
Skip leading spaces and parse name delimited by a space. c-addr
is the address within the input buffer and u is the length of the
selected string. If the parse area is empty, the resulting string
has a zero length.
If both PARSE and PARSE-WORD are present, the need for WORD is
largely eliminated.
| core ordinary primitive
make a HEADER whose runtime will be changed later
using DOES>
note that ans'forth does not define <BUILDS and
it suggests to use CREATE directly.
... if you want to write FIG-programs in pure pfe then you have
to use CREATE: to get the FIG-like meaning of CREATE whereas
the ans-forth CREATE is the same as <BUILDS
| core defining primitive
FORTH CFA' no special info, see general notes core ordinary primitive
create a name with runtime ((VAR)) so that everywhere the name is used
the pfa of the name's body is returned. This word is not immediate and
according to the ANS Forth documents it may get directly used in the
first part of a DOES> defining word - in traditional forth systems
the word <BUILDS was used for that and CREATE was defined to be
the first part of a VARIABLE word (compare with CREATE: and the
portable expression 0 BUFFER: )
| core forthword synonym
return the execution token of the following name. This word
is _not_ immediate and may not do what you expect in
compile-mode. See ['] and '> - note that in FIG-forth
the word of the same name had returned the PFA (not the CFA)
and was immediate/smart, so beware when porting forth-code
from FIG-forth to ANSI-forth.
| core forthword synonym
create a named marker that you can use to FORGET ,
running the created word will reset the dict/order variables
to the state at the creation of this name.
| core ordinary primitive
creates a MARKER if it doesn't exist,
or forgets everything after it if it does. (it just gets executed).
| core ordinary primitive
ENVIRONMENT CORE-EXT no special info, see general notes core ordinary constant
ENVIRONMENT /COUNTED-STRING no special info, see general notes core ordinary constant
ENVIRONMENT /HOLD no special info, see general notes core ordinary constant
ENVIRONMENT /PAD no special info, see general notes core ordinary constant
ENVIRONMENT ADDRESS-UNIT-BITS no special info, see general notes core ordinary constant
ENVIRONMENT FLOORED no special info, see general notes core ordinary constant
ENVIRONMENT MAX-CHAR no special info, see general notes core ordinary constant
Largest usable signed integer.
| core ordinary constant
ENVIRONMENT MAX-U no special info, see general notes core ordinary constant
ENVIRONMENT STACK-CELLS no special info, see general notes core ordinary primitive
ENVIRONMENT RETURN-STACK-CELLS no special info, see general notes core ordinary primitive