"GForth'Like words for applications"gforth
Usually the following words are defined to mimic
a certain gforth extension that some application
writers need. They are only added on request, and
they may be removed without warning requesting to
use the functionality provided by pfe itself.
: linked here over @ a, swap ! ;
(note: win32forth calls it "link," )
| gforth ordinary primitive
generic chains
: chained linked , ;
| gforth ordinary primitive
: chainperform BEGIN @ dup WHILE dup cell+ perform REPEAT drop ;
| gforth ordinary primitive
will vanish without warning. see gforth documentation.
| gforth ordinary primitive
will vanish without warning. see gforth documentation.
| gforth ordinary primitive
will vanish without warning. see gforth documentation.
| gforth ordinary primitive
# endif
ENVIRONMENT GFORTH-DIR no special info, see general notes gforth ordinary constant