option |
"Option Words For Almost-Non-Volatile Environment"optionthe openfirmware standard specifies some means to add options to a non-volatile ram-area (nvram) that are used in the bootup sequence of the forth-based bootsystem. Here we add an internal API for looking for bootup options, an internal API to add bootup options through commandline processing, and an external API to change the bootup options for a COLD reboot or an APPLICATION specific sequence.
The external API will try to follow openfirmware as closely as possible without having a real non-volatile ram-area. Instead there is a session-struct that can be changed and from which multiple forth-threads can be instantiated later using those options. The forth-instantion processing is not supposed to scan for commandline options, which is a mere necessity in embedded enviroments where option transferal is done in a completly different way and where the forth thread is never killed but just stopped or restarted for various reasons. Even that there is no real nvram we add a cold-options reboot-area in this wordset. The option-ram is organized just along a normal dictionary just need to add a wordlist-handlestruct to find the definitions in this dictlike ram-portion.
ENVIRONMENT OPTION-EXT no special info, see general notes option ordinary constant |