PFE 0.33.70

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(C) Guido U. Draheim


floating point


(no description)

primitive code = [r2p1]


(no description)

primitive code = [t2p1]


(no description)

primitive code = [lambda_slash_epsilon]

Z@( addr -- f: z )  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_z_fetch]

Z!( addr f: z -- )  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_z_store]

X@( zaddr -- f: x )  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_x_fetch]

X!( zaddr f: x -- )  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_x_store]

Y@( zaddr -- f: y )  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_y_fetch]

Y!( zaddr f: x -- )  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_y_store]

Z.(f: z -- )  => "EXTENSIONS"

Emit the complex number, including the sign of zero when signbit() is available.

primitive code = [p4_z_dot]

ZS.(f: z -- )  => "EXTENSIONS"

Emit the complex number in scientific notation, including the sign of zero when signbit() is available.

primitive code = [p4_z_s_dot]

REAL(f: x y -- x )  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_real]

IMAG(f: x y -- y )  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_imag]

CONJG(f: x y -- x -y )  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_conjg]

ZDROP(f: z -- )  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_z_drop]

ZDUP(f: z -- z z )  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_z_dup]

ZSWAP(f: z1 z2 -- z2 z1 )  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_z_swap]

ZOVER(f: z1 z2 -- z1 z2 z1 )  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_z_over]

ZNIP(f: z1 z2 -- z2 )  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_z_nip]

ZTUCK(f: z1 z2 -- z2 z1 z2 )  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_z_tuck]

ZROT(f: z1 z2 z3 -- z2 z3 z1 )  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_z_rot]

-ZROT(f: z1 z2 z3 -- z3 z1 z2 )  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_minus_z_rot]

Z+(f: z1 z2 -- z1+z2 )  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_z_plus]

Z-(f: z1 z2 -- z1-z2 )  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_z_minus]

Z*(f: x y u v -- x*u-y*v x*v+y*u )  => "EXTENSIONS"

Uses the algorithm followed by JVN: (x+iy)*(u+iv) = [(x+y)*u - y*(u+v)] + i[(x+y)*u + x*(v-u)] Requires 3 multiplications and 5 additions.

primitive code = [p4_z_star]

Z/(f: u+iv z -- u/z+iv/z )  => "EXTENSIONS"

Kahan-like algorithm *without* due attention to spurious over/underflows and zeros and infinities.

primitive code = [p4_z_slash]

ZNEGATE(f: z -- -z )  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_z_negate]

Z2*(f: z -- z*2 )  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_z_two_star]

Z2/(f: z -- z/2 )  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_z_two_slash]

I*(f: x y -- -y x )  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_i_star]

-I*(f: x y -- y -x )  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_minus_i_star]

1/Z(f: z -- 1/z )  => "EXTENSIONS"

Kahan algorithm *without* due attention to spurious over/underflows and zeros and infinities.

primitive code = [p4_one_slash_z]

Z^2(f: z -- z^2 )  => "EXTENSIONS"

Kahan algorithm without removal of any spurious NaN created by overflow. It deliberately uses (x-y)(x+y) instead of x^2-y^2 for the real part.

primitive code = [p4_z_hat_two]

|Z|^2(f: x y -- |z|^2 )  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_z_abs_hat_two]

Z^N( n f: z -- z^n )  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_z_hat_n]

X+(f: z a -- x+a y )  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_x_plus]

X-(f: z a -- x-a y )  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_x_minus]

Y+(f: z a -- x y+a )  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_y_plus]

Y-(f: z a -- x y-a )  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_y_minus]

Z*F(f: x y f -- x*f y*f )  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_z_star_f]

Z/F(f: x y f -- x/f y/f )  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_z_slash_f]

F*Z(f: f x y -- f*x f*y )  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_f_star_z]

F/Z(f: f z -- f/z )  => "EXTENSIONS"

Kahan algorithm *without* due attention to spurious over/underflows and zeros and infinities.

primitive code = [p4_f_slash_z]

Z*I*F(f: z f -- z*if )  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_z_star_i_star_f]

-I*Z/F(f: z f -- z/[if] )  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_minus_i_star_z_slash_f]

I*F*Z(f: f z -- if*z )  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_i_star_f_star_z]

I*F/Z(f: f z -- [0+if]/z )  => "EXTENSIONS"

Kahan algorithm *without* due attention to spurious over/underflows and zeros and infinities.

primitive code = [p4_i_star_f_slash_z]

Z*>REAL(f: z1 z2 -- Re[z1*z2] )  => "EXTENSIONS"

Compute the real part of the complex product without computing the imaginary part. Recommended by Kahan to avoid gratuitous overflow or underflow signals from the unnecessary part.

primitive code = [p4_z_star_to_real]

Z*>IMAG(f: z1 z2 -- Im[z1*z2] )  => "EXTENSIONS"

Compute the imaginary part of the complex product without computing the real part.

primitive code = [p4_z_star_to_imag]

|Z|(f: x y -- |z| )  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_z_abs]

ZBOX(f: z -- box[z] )  => "EXTENSIONS"

Defined *only* for zero and infinite arguments. This difffers from Kahan's CBOX [p. 198] by conserving signs when only one of x or y is infinite, consistent with the other cases, and with its use in his ARG [p. 199].

primitive code = [p4_z_box]

ARG(f: z -- principal.arg[z] )  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_arg]

>POLAR(f: x y -- r theta )  => "EXTENSIONS"

Convert the complex number z to its polar representation, where theta is the principal argument.

primitive code = [p4_to_polar]

POLAR>(f: r theta -- x y )  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_polar_from]

ZSSQS(f: z -- rho s: k )  => "EXTENSIONS"

Compute rho = |(x+iy)/2^k|^2, scaled to avoid overflow or underflow, and leave the scaling integer k. Kahan, p. 200.

primitive code = [p4_z_ssqs]

ZSQRT(f: z -- sqrt[z] )  => "EXTENSIONS"

Compute the principal branch of the square root, with Re sqrt[z] >= 0. Kahan, p. 201.

primitive code = [p4_z_sqrt]

ZLN(f: z -- ln|z|+i*theta )  => "EXTENSIONS"

Compute the principal branch of the complex natural logarithm. The angle theta is the principal argument. This code uses Kahan's algorithm for the scaled logarithm CLOGS(z,J) = ln(z*2^J), with J=0 and blind choices of the threshholds T0, T1, and T2. Namely, T0 = 1/sqrt(2), T1 = 5/4, and T2 = 3;

primitive code = [p4_z_ln]

ZEXP(f: z -- exp[z] )  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_z_exp]

Z^(f: x y u v -- [x+iy]^[u+iv] )  => "EXTENSIONS"

Compute in terms of the principal argument of x+iy.

primitive code = [p4_z_hat]

ZCOSH(f: z -- cosh[z] )  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_z_cosh]

ZSINH(f: z -- sinh[z] )  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_z_sinh]

ZTANH(f: z -- tanh[z] )  => "EXTENSIONS"

Kahan, p. 204, including his divide by zero signal suppression for infinite values of tan(). To quote the very informative "=>'man math'" on our Darwin system about IEEE 754: "Divide-by-Zero is signaled only when a function takes exactly infinite values at finite operands."

primitive code = [p4_z_tanh]

ZCOTH(f: z -- 1/tanh[z] )  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_z_coth]

ZCOS(f: z -- cosh[i*z] )  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_z_cos]

ZSIN(f: z -- -i*sinh[i*z] )  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_z_sin]

ZTAN(f: z -- -i*tanh[i*z] )  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_z_tan]

ZCOT(f: z -- -i*coth[-i*z] )  => "EXTENSIONS"

primitive code = [p4_z_cot]

ZACOS(f: z -- u+iv=acos[z] )  => "EXTENSIONS"

Kahan, p.202.

primitive code = [p4_z_acos]

ZACOSH(f: z -- u+iv=acosh[z] )  => "EXTENSIONS"

Kahan, p.203.

primitive code = [p4_z_acosh]

ZASIN(f: z -- u+iv=asin[z] )  => "EXTENSIONS"

Kahan, p.203.

primitive code = [p4_z_asin]

ZASINH(f: z -- -i*asin[i*z] )  => "EXTENSIONS"

Kahan, p. 203, couth.

primitive code = [p4_z_asinh]

ZATANH(f: z -- u+iv=atanh[z] )  => "EXTENSIONS"

Kahan, p. 203.

primitive code = [p4_z_atanh]

ZATAN(f: z -- -i*atanh[i*z] )  => "EXTENSIONS"

Kahan, p. 204, couth.

primitive code = [p4_z_atan]


(no description)

compiling word = [p4_z_literal]