PFE 0.33.70
-The PFE Manual
old manual
/ (book)
-Wordsets /
-Functions .. (book)
-Dp of ANS Forth
-The 4thTutor
- Old Wordsets
- Old Words List
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(C) Guido U. Draheim
Compatibility words
2ROT ( d1,d1 d2,d2 d3,d3 -- d2,d2 d3,d3 d1,d1 ) => [FORTH]
the double-cell ROT operation.
actively moves six cells, i.e.
( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 -- x3 x4 x5 x6 x1 x2 )
primitive code = [p4_two_rot]
DU< ( d1,d1 d2,d2 -- flag ) => [FORTH]
the double-cell unsigned-is-less operation ( U< )
primitive code = [p4_d_u_less]
LITERAL, ( value -- ) => [FORTH]
take the value from stack (or cs-stack) and compile a runtime-code and
the value as for LITERAL ... this word is never state-smart, it
is not immediate, and has therefore no complications with POSTPONE
(compare also with COMPILE, to make a call-stub with an exectoken)
primitive code = [p4_literal_comma]
2LITERAL, ( x1,x2 -- ) => [FORTH]
take the double-value from stack (or cs-stack) and compile a runtime-code
and the value as for 2LITERAL ... this word is never state-smart, it
is not immediate, and has therefore no complications with POSTPONE
(compare also with COMPILE, to make a call-stub with an exectoken)
primitive code = [p4_two_literal_comma]
DCELLS ( x -- x' ) => [FORTH]
computes the number of address units for the specified number
of double-cells
primitive code = [p4_dcells]
DLSHIFT ( x1,x2 y -- z1,z2 ) => [FORTH]
shift-left a double-cell value.
The shift-count is given as a single-cell.
primitive code = [p4_d_shiftleft]
DRSHIFT ( x1,x2 y -- z1,z2 ) => [FORTH]
shift-right a double-cell value.
The shift-count is given as a single-cell.
This is an arithmetic shift as for a signed double-cell value.
primitive code = [p4_d_shiftright]