PFE 0.33.70

-The PFE Manual
  old manual / (book)
-License (LGPL)  
-Wordsets / (book)
-Functions .. (book)
-Dp of ANS Forth
-The 4thTutor
-   Old Wordsets
-   Old Words List

Forth Links
* Forth Repository
* Taygeta Compilation
* TinyBoot FirmWare
* FiCL, Free Forth
* Research Vienna
* Research Bournemouth
* zForth WebRing

Other Links
* Tektronix/MPT
* Forth Org. (FIG)
* Forth Inc.
* MPE Ltd. Forths
* SF Win32Forth
* PD Win32Forth
* Neil Bawd


(C) Guido U. Draheim


+ extensions

AT-XY( col# row# -- ) [ANS]  => "[ANS] FORTH"

move the cursor position to the given row and column of the screen. If the output device is not a terminal this will have no effect but can still send an escape sequence.

primitive code = [p4_at_x_y]

KEY?( -- key-flag ) [ANS]  => "[ANS] FORTH"

if a character is available from the keyboard, return true. The KEY word will retrieve the actual character.

primitive code = [p4_key_question]

PAGE( -- ) [ANS]  => "[ANS] FORTH"


primitive code = [p4_dot_clrscr]

EKEY( -- key-code# ) [ANS]  => "[ANS] FORTH"

return a keyboard event, the encoding may differ, esp. that it can contain special keys.

primitive code = [p4_ekey]

EKEY>CHAR( key-code# -- key-code# 0 | char# true! ) [ANS]  => "[ANS] FORTH"

primitive code = [p4_ekey_to_char]

EKEY?( -- ekey-flag ) [ANS]  => "[ANS] FORTH"

check if a character is available from the keyboard to be received - unlike KEY? it will not discard non-visible codes.

primitive code = [p4_ekey_question]

EMIT?( -- emit-flag ) [ANS]  => "[ANS] FORTH"

if EMIT can safely output characters without blocking the forth by waiting for an indefinite time.

primitive code = [p4_emit_question]

MS( milliseconds# -- ) [ANS]  => "[ANS] FORTH"

wait at least the specified milliseconds (suspend the forth tasklet)

primitive code = [p4_ms]


(no description)

primitive code = [p4_time_and_date]