PFE 0.33.70

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(C) Guido U. Draheim


kernel extensions


(no description)

primitive code = [p4_to_compile]

($( [word] -- cs-token ) compile-only  => "EXTENSIONS"

takes the execution token of the following word and saves it on the compile-stack. The correspondig closing ) will then feed it into >COMPILE - so this pair of word provides you with a prefix-operation syntax that you may have been seen in lisp-like languages.

    ($ IF ($ 0= A1 @ )) ($ THEN ." hello " )

Note that an opening simple ( paren is a comment.

immediate code = [p4_prefix_begin]

)( cs-token -- )  => "EXTENSIONS"

takes the execution-token from ($ and compiles it using >COMPILE

immediate code = [p4_prefix_end]

PFE-PRINTF( args ... format$ -- )  => "EXTENSIONS"

uses SPRINTF to print to a temporary 256-char buffer and prints it to stdout afterwards. See the example at SPRINTF of what it does internally.

primitive code = [p4_printf]

PFE-SPRINTF( args ... format$ dest$ -- len-dest )  => "EXTENSIONS"

just like the standard sprintf() function in C, but the format is a counted string and accepts %#s to be the format-symbol for a forth-counted string. The result is a zeroterminated string at dest$ having a length being returned. To create a forth-counted string, you could use:

    variable A 256 ALLOT
    15 " example" " the %#s value is %i" A 1+ SPRINTF A C!

primitive code = [p4_sprintf]

LOADF( "filename" -- )  => "EXTENSIONS"

loads a file just like INCLUDE but does also put a MARKER in the LOADED dictionary that you can do a FORGET on to kill everything being loaded from that file.

primitive code = [p4_loadf]

DOER( word -- )  => "EXTENSIONS"

In PFE it is a synonym to DEFER which a semistandard word. Unlike DEFER, the DOER-vector was set with an a small piece of code between MAKE and ;AND. The "DOER"-word should be replaced with DEFER IS, which is easy since the DEFER and DOER point to the same internal runtime.

primitive code = [p4_defer]

MAKE( [word] -- ) ... ;AND  => "EXTENSIONS"

make a seperated piece of code between MAKE and ;AND and on execution of the MAKE the named word is twisted to point to this piece of code. The word is usually a DOER but the current implementation works on DEFER just as well, just as it does on other words who expect to find an execution-token in its PFA. You could even create a colon-word that starts with NOOP and can then make that colon-word be prefixed with the execution of the code piece. This MAKE does even work on LOCALS| and VAR but it is uncertain what that is good for.

compiling word = [p4_make]

;AND( -- )  => "EXTENSIONS"

For the code piece between MAKE and ;AND , this word will do just an EXIT . For the code outside of the MAKE construct a branch-around must be resolved then.

compiling word = [p4_semicolon_and]

[NOT]( a -- a' )  => "EXTENSIONS"

executes 0= but this word is immediate so that it does affect the cs-stack while compiling rather than compiling anything. This is useful just before words like [IF] to provide semantics of an [IFNOT]. It is most useful in conjunction with "=> [DEFINED] word" as it the sequence "[DEFINED] word [NOT] [IF]" can simulate "[IFNOTDEF] word"

immediate code = [p4_bracket_not]

+FIELD:( offset "name" -- offset )  => "EXTENSIONS"

created a new name with an OFFSET-RT runtime using the given offset. Leave the offset-value untouched, so it can be modified with words like CHAR+ and CELL+ and SFLOAT+ ; This word is the simplest way to declared structure access words in forth - the two STRUCT modules contain a more elaborate series of words. Use this one like:

  0                        ( a fresh definition is started )
  +FIELD: zapp.a+ CHAR+     ( zero offset from the base of the struct )
  +FIELD: zapp.b+ CELL+     ( no alignment, starts off at 1 from base )
  +FIELD: zapp+   DROP      ( store size of complete zap structure )
  0 zapp+                  ( extend the zap structure )
  +FIELD: zappx.c+ CELL+    ( a new field )
  +FIELD: zappx+   DROP     ( and save it again )
  CREATE zapp1  0 zapp+ ALLOT ( a way to allocate a strucutre )
  zapp2 zapp.b+ @         ( read a value from the field )
  16 zapp2 zapp.b+ !      ( store a value in there )

this form is not the traditional form used in forth, it is however quite simple. Use the simplefield declaration with /FIELD to be compatible with traditional styles that build on top of sizeof constants in forth (which are not part of the ANS Forth standard).

primitive code = [p4_plus_field]

/FIELD( offset size "name" -- offset+size )  => "EXTENSIONS"

created a new +FIELD name with an OFFSET-RT of offset. Then add the size value to the offset so that the next /FIELD declaration will start at the end of the field currently declared. This word is the simplest way to declared structure access words in forth - the two STRUCT modules contain a more elaborate series of words. This one is used like:

  0                        ( a fresh definition is started )
  /CHAR /FIELD ->zapp.a    ( zero offset from the base of the struct )
  /CELL /FIELD ->zapp.b    ( no alignment, starts off at 1 from base )
  CONSTANT /zapp           ( store size of complete zap structure )
  /zapp                    ( extend the zap structure )
  /CELL /FIELD ->zappx.c   ( a new field )
  CONSTANT /zappx          ( and save it again )
  CREATE zapp1 /zapp ALLOT ( a way to allocate a strucutre )
  /zapp BUFFER: zapp2      ( another way to do it, semi-standard )
  zapp2 ->zapp.b @         ( read a value from the field )
  16 zapp2 ->zapp.b !      ( store a value in there )

compare also with /CHAR /WCHAR /CELL /DCELL and use +FIELD as the lowlevel word, can simulate as


primitive code = [p4_slash_field]

REPLACE-IN( to-xt from-xt n "name" -- )  => "EXTENSIONS"

will handle the body of the named word as a sequence of cells (or tokens) and replaces the n'th occurences of from-xt into to-xt. A negative value will change all occurences. A zero value will not change any.

primitive code = [p4_replace_in]

(LOADF-LOCATE)( xt -- nfa )  => "EXTENSIONS"

the implementation of LOADF-LOCATE

primitive code = [p4_paren_loadf_locate]

LOADF-LOCATE( "name" -- )  => "EXTENSIONS"

look for the filename created by LOADF that had been defining the given name. LOADF has created a marker that is above the INCLUDED file and that marker has a body-value just below the INCLUDED file. Hence the symbol was defined during LOADF execution of that file.


primitive code = [p4_loadf_locate]

X"( "hex-q" -- bstring )  => "EXTENSIONS"

places a counted string on stack containing bytes specified by hex-string - the hex string may contain spaces which will delimit the bytes

     X" 41 42 4344" COUNT TYPE ( shows ABCD )

compiling word = [p4_x_quote]

EVALUATE-WITH( i*x addr len xt[i*x--j*x] -- j*x )  => "EXTENSIONS"

added to be visible on the forth command line on request by MLG, he has explained the usage before a lot, you can get an idea from:


The word is used internally in PFE for the loadlist evaluation of the binary modules: where previously each loadercode had its own CREATE-execution we do now call the original forthish CREATE-word like, so bootstrapping a VARIABLE will now call VARIABLE itself and of course we need to set up the TIB-area to point to the name of the variable that shall be created in the forth dictionary:

  : LOAD-WORD ( arg-value str-ptr str-len loader-code -- )

primitive code = [p4_evaluate_with]

[POSSIBLY]( [name] -- ?? )  => "EXTENSIONS"

check if the name exists, and execute it immediatly if found. Derived from POSSIBLY as seen in other forth systems.


immediate code = [p4_bracket_possibly]

[VOCABULARY]( "name" -- )  => "EXTENSIONS"

create an immediate vocabulary. Provides for basic modularization.


primitive code = [p4_bracket_vocabulary]

[DEF]( -- )  => "EXTENSIONS"

immediatly set topmost CONTEXT voc to CURRENT compilation voc.


note that in PFE most basic vocabularies are immediate, so that you can use a sequence of

  [DEF] : GET-FIND-3  [ANS] ['] FIND  [FIG] ['] FIND  [DEF] ['] FIND ;

where the first wordlist to be searched via the search order are [ANS] and [FIG] and FORTH (in this order) and which may or may not yield different flavours of the FIND routine (i.e. different XTs)

immediate code = [p4_bracket_def]

CONTEXT?( -- number )  => "EXTENSIONS"

GET-CONTEXT and count how many times it is in the order but the CONTEXT variable itself. The returned number is therefore minus one the occurences in the complete search-order. usage:

    0 LVALUE _count
    GET-ORDER 1- SWAP  LVALUE _context
    0 ?DO _context = IF 1 +TO _count THEN LOOP

primitive code = [p4_context_Q]


accesses CONTEXT which is generally the last named VOCABULARY . sets a flag in the vocabulary-definition so that words are matched case-sensitive.



primitive code = [p4_case_sensitive_voc]


accesses CURRENT which is generally the last wordlist that the DEFINITIONS shall go in. sets there a flag in the vocabulary-definition so that words are matched case-sensitive.


primitive code = [p4_defs_are_case_sensitive]


binds CONTEXT with CURRENT. If the CURRENT VOCABULARY is in the search-order (later), then the CONTEXT vocabulary will be searched also. If the result of this word could lead into a recursive lookup with FIND it will throw CURRENT_DELETED and leave the CURRENT VOCABULARY unaltered.



primitive code = [p4_defs_are_searched_also]