PFE 0.33.70
-The PFE Manual
old manual
/ (book)
-Wordsets /
-Functions .. (book)
-Dp of ANS Forth
-The 4thTutor
- Old Wordsets
- Old Words List
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* Tektronix/MPT
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* Forth Inc.
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* SF Win32Forth
* PD Win32Forth
* Neil Bawd
(C) Guido U. Draheim
kernel extensions
@> ( [name] -- value ) => "EXTENSIONS"
does fetch the value from the PFA of the named item, which
may be about everything, including a VARIABLE , VALUE
and more.
compiling word = [p4_fetch_from]
'> ( [name] -- xt ) => "EXTENSIONS"
get the execution-token, ie the CFA, of the word following.
This word is fully state-smart while the ANSI standard words
namely ' and ['] are not.
compiling word = [p4_tick_from]
INTO ( [name] -- pfa ) => "EXTENSIONS"
will return the parameter-field address of the following word.
Unlike others, this word will also return the address of
LOCALS| and local LVALUE - so in fact a TO A and
INTO A ! are the same. This word is most useful when calling
C-exported function with a temporary local-VAR as a return-place
argument - so the address of a local has to be given as an arg.
Beware that you should not try to save the address anywhere else,
since a local's address does always depend of the RP-depth -
EXIT from a colon-word and the value may soon get overwritten.
(see also TO )
compiling word = [p4_into]
.H2 ( value -- ) => "EXTENSIONS"
print hexadecimal, but with per-byte 0-padding
0x0 -> 00
0xf -> 0f
0x12 -> 12
0x123 -> 0123
0x1234 -> 1234
0x12345 -> 012345
primitive code = [p4_dot_h2]
HERE-WORD ( char "name<char>" -- ) => "EXTENSIONS"
a FIG-compatible WORD. Where ANSI says "skip leading delimiters"
this one acts as "skip leading whitespace". And it will not return
anything and have the string parsed to HERE
primitive code = [p4_here_word]