PFE 0.33.70

-The PFE Manual
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(C) Guido U. Draheim


- zero-terminated C-like charstrings

Z"( [chars<">] -- z* )  => [FORTH]

scan the input to the next doublequote and create a buffer that holds the chars - return the address of that zero-terminated string-buffer, either POCKET-PAD or ALLOTed into the dictionary.

compiling word = [p4_z_quote]

ZCOUNT( z* -- z* len )  => [FORTH]

push length of z-string, additionally to the string addr itself.


(see libc strlen(3)) / compare with COUNT / ZSTRLEN

primitive code = [p4_zcount]

ZSTRLEN( z* -- len )  => [FORTH]

push length of z-string.


(see libc strlen(3)) / compare with ZMOVE / CMOVE

primitive code = [p4_zstrlen]

ZMOVE( zsrc* zdest* -- )  => [FORTH]

copy a zero terminated string (see libc strcpy(3)) / compare with ZSTRLEN / COUNT

primitive code = [p4_zmove]

ZPLACE( addr* len zaddr* -- )  => [FORTH]

copy string and place as 0 terminated (see libc strncpy(3)) / see also +ZPLACE / Z+PLACE

primitive code = [p4_zplace]

+ZPLACE( caddr* u zdest* -- )  => [FORTH]

Add the string defined by CADDR LEN to the zero terminated string at ZDEST - (for older scripts the SYNONYM named APPENDZ exists) (see libc strncat(3)) / compare with ZPLACE / +PLACE

primitive code = [p4_appendz]

S\"( [backslashed-strings_<">] -- str cnt )  => [FORTH]

scan the following text to create a literal just like S" does, but backslashes can be used to escape special chars. The rules for the backslashes follow C literals, implemented techniques are \n \r \b \a \f \v \e \777 and all non-alnum chars represent themselves, esp. \" \' \ \? \! \% \( \) \[ \] \{ \} etcetera. most importantly the doublequote itself can be escaped. but be also informed that the usage of \' and \" is not portable as some systems preferred to map [\'] into ["]. Here I use the experimental addition to map [\q] to ["] and [\i] to [']

compiling word = [p4_s_backslash_quote]

C\"( [backslashed-strings_<">] -- bstr* )  => [FORTH]

scan the following text to create a literal just like C" does, but backslashes can be used to escape special chars. The rules for the backslashes follow C literals, implemented techniques are \n \r \b \a \f \v \e \777 and all non-alnum chars represent themselves, esp. \" \' \ \? \! \% \( \) \[ \] \{ \} etcetera. most importantly the doublequote itself can be escaped. but be also informed that the usage of \' and \" is not portable as some systems preferred to map [\'] into ["]. Here I use the experimental addition to map [\q] to ["] and [\i] to [']

compiling word = [p4_c_backslash_quote]

Z\"( [backslashed-strings_<">] -- zstr* )  => [FORTH]

scan the following text to create a literal just like Z" does, but backslashes can be used to escape special chars. The rules for the backslashes follow C literals, implemented techniques are \n \r \b \a \f \v \e \777 and all non-alnum chars represent themselves, esp. \" \' \ \? \! \% \( \) \[ \] \{ \} etcetera. most importantly the doublequote itself can be escaped but be also informed that the usage of \' and \" is not portable as some systems preferred to map [\'] into ["]. Here I use the experimental addition to map [\q] to ["] and [\i] to [']

compiling word = [p4_z_backslash_quote]