* -- miscellaneous useful extra words for DOUBLE-EXT
* Copyright (C) Tektronix, Inc. 1998 - 2001. All rights reserved.
* @see GNU LGPL
* @author Tektronix CTE @(#) %derived_by: guidod %
* @version %version: %
* (%date_modified: %)
* @description
* Compatiblity with former standards, miscellaneous useful words.
* ... for DOUBLE-EXT (which is almost complete... just almost)
/**LITERAL,( value -- )
* take the value from stack (or cs-stack) and compile a runtime-code and
* the value as for LITERAL ... this word is never state-smart, it
* is not immediate, and has therefore no complications with POSTPONE
* (compare also with COMPILE, to make a call-stub with an exectoken)
*/FCode (p4_literal_comma)
FX_COMPILE (p4_literal);
/**2LITERAL,( x1,x2 -- )
* take the double-value from stack (or cs-stack) and compile a runtime-code
* and the value as for 2LITERAL ... this word is never state-smart, it
* is not immediate, and has therefore no complications with POSTPONE
* (compare also with COMPILE, to make a call-stub with an exectoken)
*/FCode (p4_two_literal_comma)
FX_COMPILE (p4_two_literal);
FX_VCOMMA (((p4dcell*)SP)->hi);
FX_VCOMMA (((p4dcell*)SP)->lo);