 * -- miscellaneous useful extra words for FLOATING-EXT
 *  Copyright (C) Tektronix, Inc. 1998 - 2003. All rights reserved.
 *  @see     GNU LGPL
 *  @author  Tektronix CTE              @(#) %derived_by: guidod %
 *  @version %version:  %
 *    (%date_modified:  %)
 *  @description
 *      Compatiblity with former standards, miscellaneous useful words.
 *      ... for FLOATING-EXT
#if defined(__version_control__) && defined(__GNUC__)
static char* id __attribute__((unused)) = 
"@(#) $Id: %full_filespec:   % $";

#define _P4_SOURCE 1

#ifndef P4_NO_FP

#include <pfe/pfe-base.h>
#include <pfe/def-xtra.h>

#include <math.h>

/** FP@ ( -- addr )
 * returns the floating point stack pointer 
FCode (p4_f_p_fetch)		
    *--SP = (p4cell) FP;
/** FP! ( addr -- )
 * sets the floating point stack pointer -
 * this is the inverse of FP@
FCode (p4_f_p_store)		
    FP = (double *) *SP++;
/** F? ( f: a b -- s: a==b )
FCode (p4_f_equal)
    *--SP = P4_FLAG (FP[1] == FP[0]);
    FP += 2;
/** F<> ( f: a b -- s: a!=b )
FCode (p4_f_not_equal)
    *--SP = P4_FLAG (FP[1] != FP[0]);
    FP += 2;
/* FCode (p4_f_less_than) // already in [ANS] floating-ext
    *--SP = P4_FLAG (FP[1] < FP[0]);
    FP += 2; 
} */
FCode (p4_f_greater_than)
    *--SP = P4_FLAG (FP[1] > FP[0]);
    FP += 2; 
FCode (p4_f_less_than_or_equal)
    *--SP = P4_FLAG (FP[1] <= FP[0]);
    FP += 2;
FCode (p4_f_greater_than_or_equal)
    *--SP = P4_FLAG (FP[1] >= FP[0]);
    FP += 2;
/* some words Julian Noble found useful, plus a few more */
/** S>F  ( n -- f: x )
 * it's inverse is F>S - convert a cell parameter to floating-point.
FCode (p4_s_to_f)
    *--FP = *SP++;  
/** FTRUNC>S  (f: x -- s: n )
 * The word F>S was sometimes defined with a different behavior 
 * than FTRUNC>S which is the type-cast behaviour of C according 
 * to C99 section - truncation would also match the ANS-Forth
 * specification for F>D.
 * Some systems used F>S defined to FROUND>S instead. The pfe
 * provides explicit words for both conversions, the word FROUND>S
 * and FTRUNC>S which return single-cell parameters for a floating
 * point number with the conversion method of FTRUNC or FROUND.
 * In PFE, F>S is a synonym pointing to FTRUNC>S in analogy 
 * of the behavior of F>D where no explicit word exists. The
 * inverse of F>S is the cast conversion of S>F.
FCode (p4_f_trunc_to_s)
    *--SP = *FP++;  
/** FROUND>S (f: x -- s: n)
 * complements FTRUNC>S for applications that expect F>S to
 * be defined with a rounding behavior like 
FCode (p4_f_round_to_s)
    extern FCode (p4_f_round);
    FX (p4_f_round);
/*  FX (p4_f_trunc_to_s); */ *--SP = *FP++;
/** FTRUNC (f: x -- x' )
 * truncate towards zero, discard a fractional part. See also FTRUNC>S
 * conversion and the FROUND and FLOOR adaptors.
 * (When available, uses a single call to C99 trunc() internally)
FCode (p4_f_trunc)
#  if __STDC_VERSION__+0 > 199900
    *FP = trunc (*FP);
#  else
    if (*FP > 0)
	*FP = floor (*FP);
	*FP = ceil (*FP);
#  endif
/** -FROT  (f: x1 x2 x3 -- x3 x1 x2 )
 * F-stack equivalent of -ROT
 * note, some systems call this work F-ROT,
 * here it is the inverse of FROT
FCode (p4_minus_f_rot)
    double h = FP[0];

    FP[0] = FP[1];
    FP[1] = FP[2];
    FP[2] = h;
/** FNIP  (f: x1 x2 -- x2 )
 * F-stack equivalent of NIP
FCode (p4_f_nip)
   FP[1] = FP[0];
/** FTUCK  (f: x1 x2 -- x2 x1 x2 )
 * F-stack equivalent of TUCK
FCode (p4_f_tuck)
    FP[0] = FP[1];
    FP[1] = FP[2];
    FP[2] = FP[0];
/** 1/F  (f: x -- 1/x )
FCode (p4_one_over_f)
    *FP = 1.0 / *FP; 
/** F^2  (f: x -- x^2 )
FCode (p4_f_square)
    *FP = *FP * *FP; 
/** F^N  ( u f: x -- x^u )
 * For large exponents, use F** instead.  Of course u=-1 is large. 
FCode (p4_f_power_n)
    p4ucell n = *SP++;

    if ( n == 1 ) return;
    {   double r = 1.0;
        if ( n != 0 )
            double x = *FP;
            double xsq = x * x;

            if ( n & 1 ) r = x;
            for ( n = n/2; n > 0; n-- ) r = r * xsq;
        *FP = r;
/** F2/  (f: x -- x/2 )
FCode (p4_f_two_slash)
    *FP = ldexp (*FP, -1); 
/** F2*  (f: x -- x*2 )
FCode (p4_f_two_star)
    *FP = ldexp (*FP, 1); 
/** F0>  (f: x -- s: flag )
FCode (p4_f_zero_greater)
    *--SP = P4_FLAG (*FP++ > 0);
/** F0<>  (f: x -- s: flag )
FCode (p4_f_zero_not_equal)
    *--SP = P4_FLAG (*FP++ != 0);
P4_LISTWORDS (floating_misc) =
     (, ),

     (,		 ), 
     (,		 ),
     (,	 ),
     (,		 ),
     (,		 ),

     (,               ),
     (,              ),
     (,               ),
     (,              ),
     (,              ),

    /* more useful nonstandard words */ 
     (,		 ),
     (,	 ),
     (,	 ),
     (,              ),
     (,           ),

     (,		 ),
     (,            ),
     (,		 ),
     (,		 ),
     (,		 ),
     (,		 ),
     (,		 ),
     (,		 ),
     (,		 ),
     (,		 ),
     (,		 ),
P4_COUNTWORDS (floating_misc, "FLOATING-Misc Compatibility words");

#endif /* _NO_FP */

 * Local variables:
 * c-file-style: "stroustrup"
 * End: