 * -- Words designed to mimic gforth behaviour.
 *  Copyright (C) Guido Draheim 2001 - xxxx. All rights reserved.
 *  @see     GNU LGPL
 *  @author  Guido Draheim               %derived_by: guidod %
 *  @version %version: bln_mpt1!1.10 %
 *    (%date_modified: Mon Sep 24 19:34:24 2001 %)
 *  @description
 *		Usually the following words are defined to mimic
 *		a certain gforth extension that some application
 *		writers need. They are only added on request, and
 *		they may be removed without warning requesting to
 *              use the functionality provided by pfe itself.
#if defined(__version_control__) && defined(__GNUC__)
static char* id __attribute__((unused)) = 
"@(#) $Id: %full_filespec:  gforth-ext.c~bln_mpt1!1.10:csrc:bln_12xx!1 % $";

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include <pfe/pfe-base.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>

#include <dirent.h>

#define  IOR(flag)       ((flag)? -512-errno : 0)

/** open-dir   ( c_addr u -- wdirid wior )  gforth  open_dir
 * will vanish without warning. see gforth documentation.
    char * p = p4_pocket_filename ((void*) p4SP[1], p4SP[0]);
    p4SP[1] = (p4cell)opendir (p);
    p4SP[0] =  IOR (p4SP[1] == 0);
/** read-dir   ( c_addr u1 wdirid -- u2 flag wior )  gforth  read_dir
 * will vanish without warning. see gforth documentation.
    struct dirent * dent;
    dent = readdir ((DIR *)p4SP[0]);
    if (dent == NULL) 
	memset (&p4SP[0],0, 3*sizeof(p4cell));
    } else {
	p4cell len = strlen (dent->d_name); 
	if (len > p4SP[1])
	    p4SP[0] = -512-ENAMETOOLONG;
	    len = p4SP[1];
	    p4SP[0] = 0;
	memcpy ((void*)(p4SP[2]), dent->d_name, len);
	p4SP[2] = len;
	p4SP[1] = P4_TRUE;
/** close-dir       ( wdirid -- wior )      gforth  close_dir
 * will vanish without warning. see gforth documentation.
    *p4SP = IOR (closedir ((DIR *)*p4SP));
/* -------------------------------------------------------------
 * This defines execution chains.
 * The first application for this is building initialization chains:
 * Think of many modules or program parts, each of it with some specific
 * initialization code. If we hardcode the initialization routines into a
 * "master-init" we will get unflexible and are not able only to load some
 * specific modules...

 * The chain is basicaly a linked-list. Define a Variable for the head of
 * linked-list. Name it "foo8" or "foo-chain" to indicate it is a execution
 * chain.

 * You can add a word to the list with "' my-init foo8 chained". You can
 * execute all the code with "foo8 chainperform".
/** linked ( list -- ) \ gforth
 : linked        here over @ a, swap ! ;
 * (note: win32forth calls it "link," )
FCode (p4_gforth_linked)
    register void** link = (void**) FX_POP;
    register void*  here = (void*)  p4_DP;

    FX_PCOMMA (*link);
    *link = here;
/** chained       ( xt list -- ) \ gforth
 * generic chains
 : chained  linked , ;
    FX_FCODE (p4_gforth_linked);
/** chainperform  ( list -- ) \ gforth
 : chainperform  BEGIN @ dup WHILE dup cell+ perform REPEAT drop ;
FCode (p4_gforth_chainperform)
    register void** link = (void**) FX_POP;
    while ((link = (void**) *link))
	p4xt* xt = link[1];
	if (xt && *xt) PFE.execute (*xt);

#include <pfe/def-words.h>

P4_LISTWORDS (gforth) =
     (,		),
     (,		),
     (,		),
     (,	),
     (,	),
     (,	),
     (,	),
# endif
     (, ),
     (,	 ),
P4_COUNTWORDS (gforth, "GForth'Like words for applications");
 * Local variables:
 * c-file-style: "stroustrup"
 * End: