 * LGPL (C) 2000 - 2001 Guido Draheim 
 *  @see     GNU LGPL
 *  @author  Guido Draheim              @(#) %derived_by: guidod %
 *  @version %version: bln_mpt1!1.25 %
 *    (%date_modified: Tue Feb 25 13:18:30 2003 %)
 * @description:
 *       ZCHAR-EXT wordset - defines words for zero-terminated strings,
 *       the datatype prefix is called "Z" which is usually a simple CHAR.
 *       And CHAR can be either BCHAR or WCHAR depending on your platform.
 *       Anyway, the words in this wordset should be largely modelled 
 *       after the examples found in other forth implementations - most 
 *       prominently MPE's forths.
#define _P4_SOURCE 1
#include <pfe/pfe-base.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>

#include <pfe/def-words.h>
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/**  Z"            ( [chars<">] -- z* )
 * scan the input to the next doublequote and create a buffer
 * that holds the chars - return the address of that zero-terminated
 * string-buffer, either POCKET-PAD or ALLOTed into the dictionary.
    register char* p;
    register p4ucell n;

    p4_word_parse ('"'); *DP=0; /* PARSE-NOHERE */
    n = PFE.word.len;

    if (STATE)
	FX_COMPILE (p4_z_quote);
	DP += sizeof(short);
	p = DP;
	p = p4_pocket ();
	n = PFE.word.len < P4_POCKET_SIZE ?
	    PFE.word.len : P4_POCKET_SIZE;

    memcpy (p, PFE.word.ptr, n);  p[PFE.word.len] = '\0';

    if (STATE)
	DP += n+1;
	FX (p4_align);
	((short*)p)[-1] = ((char*)DP - p);
FCode_XE (p4_z_quote_XT)
    short skip = *P4_VAR(short*,IP)++;
    P4_VAR(char*,IP) += skip;
p4xt* p4_z_quote_SEE(p4xt* ip, char* p, p4_Semant* s)
    int skip = *P4_VAR(short*,ip)++;
    sprintf (p, "%.*s %.*s\" ",
	     NFACNT(*s->name), s->name + 1,
	     (int) skip, (char*) ip);
    P4_VAR(char*,ip) += skip;
    return ip;
P4COMPILES(p4_z_quote, p4_z_quote_XT, p4_z_quote_SEE, 0);
/** ZCOUNT    ( z* -- z* len )
 * push length of z-string, additionally to the string addr itself.
 * (see libc strlen(3)) / compare with COUNT / ZSTRLEN
FCode (p4_zcount)
    /* FX_PUSH (strlen ((char*)(*SP))) is wrong, gcc may leave unintended beh*/
    register int i = strlen ((char*)(*SP));
/** ZSTRLEN    ( z* -- len )
 * push length of z-string.
 * (see libc strlen(3)) / compare with ZMOVE / CMOVE
FCode (p4_zstrlen)
    *SP = strlen ((char*)(*SP));
/** ZMOVE      ( zsrc* zdest* -- )
 * copy a zero terminated string
 * (see libc strcpy(3)) / compare with ZSTRLEN / COUNT
FCode (p4_zmove)
    strcpy ((char*)(SP[0]), (char*)(SP[1]));
/** APPENDZ    ( caddr* u zdest* -- ) 
 * Add the string defined by CADDR LEN to the zero terminated string 
 * at ZDEST - actually a SYNONYM of +ZPLACE of the ZPLACE family
 * (see strncat(3)) / compare with ZPLACE / +PLACE
/** +ZPLACE    ( caddr* u zdest* -- ) 
 * Add the string defined by CADDR LEN to the zero terminated string 
 * at ZDEST - (for older scripts the SYNONYM named APPENDZ exists)
 * (see libc strncat(3)) / compare with ZPLACE / +PLACE
FCode (p4_appendz)
    strncat ((char*)(SP[0]), (char*)(SP[2]), (int)(SP[1]));
/** ZPLACE  ( addr* len zaddr* -- )
 * copy string and place as 0 terminated
 * (see libc strncpy(3)) / see also +ZPLACE / Z+PLACE
FCode (p4_zplace)
    strncpy ((char*)(SP[0]), (char*)(SP[2]), (int)(SP[1]));
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 * helper function used by all backslash-lit-strings
 * copies a string from input buffer to output buffer
 * thereby interpreting backlash-sequences. Returns
 * the number of chars copied. 
p4ucell p4_backslash_parse_into (p4char delim, p4char* dst, int max, 
				 int refills)
    register int i, j = 0;
    register p4char* src; p4ucell n;

    p4_word_parse (delim); *DP=0; /* PARSE-NOHERE */
    src = PFE.word.ptr; n = PFE.word.len;

    if (! n && refills--) { if (p4_refill ()) goto parse; }
    i = 0;
    while (i < n && j < max)
        if (src[i] != '\\')
            dst[j++] = src[i++];
	    if (++i == n) goto parse;
            switch (src[i])
            case 'n': dst[j++] = '\n'; i++; break;
            case 'r': dst[j++] = '\r'; i++; break;
            case 'b': dst[j++] = '\b'; i++; break;
            case 'a': dst[j++] = '\a'; i++; break;
            case 'f': dst[j++] = '\f'; i++; break;
            case 'v': dst[j++] = '\v'; i++; break;
            case 'e': dst[j++] = '\33'; i++; break;
            case 'i': dst[j++] = '\''; i++; break; /* extra feature */
            case 'q': dst[j++] = '\"'; i++; break; /* extra feature */
            case 'x': i++;
                if (i < n && isxdigit(src[i]))
		    register p4char a = src[i++]-'0';
		    if (a > '9') a -= 'A'-'9'+1;
		    if (i < n && isxdigit (src[i])) 
			a <<= 4;
			if (src[i] <= '9') a |= src[i] - '0';
			else a |= src[i] - 'A' + 10;
		    dst[j++] = a;
		    p4_throw (P4_ON_INVALID_NUMBER);
                if (! isalnum (src[i]))
                    dst[j++] = src[i++]; 
                else if (isdigit (src[i]))
                    register p4char a = src[i++]-'0';
                    if (i < n && isdigit (src[i]))
                    { a <<= 3; a |= src[i++]-'0'; }
                    if (i < n && isdigit (src[i]))
                    { a <<= 3; a |= src[i++]-'0'; }
                    dst[j++] = a; 
                else if ('A' <= src[i] && src[i] <= 'Z')
		    dst[j++] = src[i++] & 31;
                    p4_throw (P4_ON_INVALID_NUMBER);
    dst[j] = '\0'; return j;
/**  C\"  ( [backslashed-strings_<">] -- bstr* )
 * scan the following text to create a literal just
 * like C" does, but backslashes can be used to
 * escape special chars. The rules for the backslashes
 * follow C literals, implemented techniques are
 * \n \r \b \a \f \v \e \777
 * and all non-alnum chars represent themselves, esp.
 * \" \' \ \? \! \% \( \) \[ \] \{ \} etcetera.
 * most importantly the doublequote itself can be escaped.
 * but be also informed that the usage of \' and \" is not
 * portable as some systems preferred to map [\'] into ["].
 * Here I use the experimental addition to map [\q] to ["] and [\i] to [']
FCode (p4_c_backslash_quote)
    p4char* p;  
    p4ucell l;
    if (STATE)
        p = DP;
        p = p4_pocket ();
    p[0] = l = p4_backslash_parse_into ('"', p+1, 255, 127);
    if (STATE) 
        DP += l+1;
        FX (p4_align);
    FX_PUSH (p);
P4COMPILES (p4_c_backslash_quote, p4_c_quote_execution,
/**  S\"  ( [backslashed-strings_<">] -- str cnt )
 * scan the following text to create a literal just
 * like S" does, but backslashes can be used to
 * escape special chars. The rules for the backslashes
 * follow C literals, implemented techniques are
 * \n \r \b \a \f \v \e \777
 * and all non-alnum chars represent themselves, esp.
 * \" \' \ \? \! \% \( \) \[ \] \{ \} etcetera.
 * most importantly the doublequote itself can be escaped.
 * but be also informed that the usage of \' and \" is not
 * portable as some systems preferred to map [\'] into ["].
 * Here I use the experimental addition to map [\q] to ["] and [\i] to [']
FCode (p4_s_backslash_quote)
    p4char* p;  
    p4ucell l;
    if (STATE)
        p = DP;
        p = p4_pocket ();
    p[0] = l = p4_backslash_parse_into ('"', p+1, 255, 127);
    if (STATE) 
        DP += l+1;
        FX (p4_align);
    FX_PUSH (p+1);
    FX_PUSH (l);
P4COMPILES(p4_s_backslash_quote, p4_s_quote_execution,
/**  Z\"  ( [backslashed-strings_<">] -- zstr* )
 * scan the following text to create a literal just
 * like Z" does, but backslashes can be used to
 * escape special chars. The rules for the backslashes
 * follow C literals, implemented techniques are
 * \n \r \b \a \f \v \e \777
 * and all non-alnum chars represent themselves, esp.
 * \" \' \ \? \! \% \( \) \[ \] \{ \} etcetera.
 * most importantly the doublequote itself can be escaped
 * but be also informed that the usage of \' and \" is not
 * portable as some systems preferred to map [\'] into ["].
 * Here I use the experimental addition to map [\q] to ["] and [\i] to [']
FCode (p4_z_backslash_quote)
    p4char* p;  
    p4ucell l;
    if (STATE)
        p = DP;
	l = p4_backslash_parse_into ('"', p+sizeof(short), 65535, 32767);
        p = p4_pocket ();
	l = p4_backslash_parse_into ('"', p+sizeof(short), 254, 126);
    if (STATE) 
        DP += l+sizeof(short);
        FX (p4_align);
	(*(short*)p) = ((p4char*)DP - p);
    FX_PUSH (p+sizeof(short));
P4COMPILES(p4_z_backslash_quote, p4_z_quote_XT,
           p4_z_quote_SEE, P4_DEFAULT_STYLE);
P4_LISTWORDS(zchar) =
     (,  ),
     (,              ), 
     (,           ),
     (,          ),
     (,            ),
     (,           ),
     (,          ),
     (,          ),
     (,	         ),
     (,            ),
     (,            ),
     (,  ),
     (,    ),
P4_COUNTWORDS(zchar, "ZCHAR-EXT - zero-terminated C-like charstrings");
 * Local variables:
 * c-file-style: "stroustrup"
 * End: