"C-preprocessor declaration syntax"

cdecl FORTH
* #ELSE ( -- )

The implementation of #ELSE is done in C for speed and
being less error prone. Better use the ANSI-compatible
[IF] [ELSE] [THEN] construct.

FORTH/BASE cdecl immediate primitive

* #ENDIF ( -- )

end of #IF #IFDEF #IFNOTDEF and #ELSE contructs
   (a dummy word that does actually nothing, but #ELSE may look for it)

FORTH/BASE cdecl immediate primitive

* #IF ( -- )
        ( -- state-save mfth-if-magic )
prepares for a following #IS_TRUE or #IS_FALSE,
does basically switch off compile-mode for the enclosed

better use the ANSI style [IF] [ELSE] [THEN] construct.

FORTH/BASE cdecl immediate primitive

* #IFDEF ( "word" -- )

better use [DEFINED] word [IF] - the word [IF]
is ANSI-conform.

FORTH/BASE cdecl immediate primitive


[] no special info, see general notes

FORTH/BASE cdecl immediate primitive

* #IFNOTDEF ( "word" -- )

better use [DEFINED] word [NOT] [IF] - the word [IF]
and [ELSE] are ANSI-conform, while #IFDEF #ELSE are not.

FORTH/BASE cdecl immediate primitive

* #IS_TRUE ( flag -- )
              ( state-save mfth-if-magic flag -- )
checks the condition on the CS-STACK.

Pairs with #IF

better use the ANSI style [IF] [ELSE] [THEN] construct.

FORTH/BASE cdecl immediate primitive

* #IS_FALSE ( flag -- )
              ( state-save mfth-if-magic flag -- )
checks the condition on the CS-STACK.

Pairs with #IF

better use the ANSI style [IF] [ELSE] [THEN] construct.

FORTH/BASE cdecl immediate primitive

* // ( [...] -- )

a line-comment

FORTH/BASE cdecl immediate synonym


[] no special info, see general notes

FORTH/BASE cdecl ordinary primitive


[] no special info, see general notes

FORTH/BASE cdecl ordinary primitive