"Debugger words"

debug FORTH
* DEBUG ( 'word' -- )

this word will place an debug-runtime into
the CFA of the following word. If the
word gets executed later, the user will
be prompted and can decide to single-step
the given word. The debug-stepper is
interactive and should be self-explanatory.
(use NO-DEBUG to turn it off again)

FORTH/BASE debug ordinary primitive

* NO-DEBUG ( 'word' -- )

the inverse of " DEBUG word "

FORTH/BASE debug ordinary primitive

* (SEE) ( xt -- )

decompile the token-sequence - used
by SEE name

FORTH/BASE debug ordinary primitive

* ADDR>NAME ( addr -- nfa|0 )

search the next corresponding namefield that address
is next too. If it is not in the base-dictionary, then
just return 0 as not-found.

FORTH/BASE debug ordinary primitive

* COME_BACK ( -- )

show the return stack before last exception
along with the best names as given by ADDR>NAME

FORTH/BASE debug ordinary primitive


[] no special info, see general notes

ENVIRONMENT debug threadstate valueGET