"YOUR kernel extensions"


[] no special info, see general notes

EXTENSIONS your immediate synonym

* @> ( [name] -- value )

does fetch the value from the PFA of the named item, which
may be about everything, including a VARIABLE , VALUE
and more.

EXTENSIONS your compiling primitive

* '> ( [name] -- xt )

get the execution-token, ie the CFA, of the word following.
This word is fully state-smart while the ANSI standard words
namely ' and ['] are not.

EXTENSIONS your compiling primitive

* INTO ( [name] -- pfa )

will return the parameter-field address of the following word.
Unlike others, this word will also return the address of
LOCALS| and local LVALUE - so in fact a TO A and
INTO A ! are the same. This word is most useful when calling
C-exported function with a temporary local-VAR as a return-place
argument - so the address of a local has to be given as an arg.
Beware that you should not try to save the address anywhere else,
since a local's address does always depend of the RP-depth -
EXIT from a colon-word and the value may soon get overwritten.
(see also TO )

EXTENSIONS your compiling primitive


[] no special info, see general notes

EXTENSIONS your immediate synonym

* .H2 ( value -- )

print hexadecimal, but with per-byte 0-padding
   0x0     -> 00
   0xf     -> 0f
   0x12    -> 12
   0x123   -> 0123
   0x1234  -> 1234
   0x12345 -> 012345

EXTENSIONS your ordinary primitive

* HERE-WORD ( char "name" -- )

a FIG-compatible WORD. Where ANSI says "skip leading delimiters"
this one acts as "skip leading whitespace". And it will not return
anything and have the string parsed to HERE

EXTENSIONS your ordinary primitive


[] no special info, see general notes

EXTENSIONS your obsolete forthword