Returns the next pocket.
A pocket has usually the size of a maxstring, see ENVIRONMENT /STRING
(but can be configured to be different, mostly when MAXPATH > /STRING )
Note that a pocket is a temporary and forth internal functions do
sometimes call >POCKET-PAD too, especially when building filenames
and getting a literal (but temporary) string from the keyboard.
Functions are not expected to hold references to this transient
area any longer than building a name and calling another word with it.
Usage of a pocket pad is a good way to make local temporary buffers
superfluous that are only used to construct a temporary string that
usually gets swallowed by another function.
depracated code:
create temp-buffer 255 allot
: make-temp ( str buf )
temp-buffer place " .tmp" count temp-buffer append
temp-buffer count make-file ;
replace with this:
: make-temp ( str buf )
pocket-pad >r
r place " .tmp" count r append
r> count make-file
| misc ordinary primitive |