"String + extensions"

The basic words for handling string buffers. There are
much more buffer words used in most Forth implementations around
but they can usually implemented as colon-word quite effectivly
on the basis of the STRING wordset.
Tektronix CTE %version: 5.10 % GNU LGPL
* -TRAILING ( str-ptr str-len -- str-ptr str-len' )

check the given buffer if it contains whitespace at its end.
If so, shorten str-len to meet the last non-whitespace
character in the buffer.

string ordinary primitive

* /STRING ( str-ptr str-len n -- str-ptr' str-len' )

shorten the buffer from the beginning by n characters, i.e.
  str-ptr += n ;
  str-len -= n; 

string ordinary primitive

* BLANK ( str-ptr str-len -- )

FILL a given buffer with BL blanks

string ordinary primitive

* CMOVE ( from-ptr to-ptr len -- )

memcpy an area from->to for len bytes, starting at
the lower addresses, see CMOVE>

string ordinary primitive

* CMOVE> ( from-ptr to-ptr len -- )

memcpy an area from->to for len bytes, starting
with the higher addresses, see CMOVE

string ordinary primitive

* COMPARE ( str-ptr1 str-len1 str-ptr2 str-len2 -- n )

compare both str-buffers, return 0 if they are equal,
-1 if lower or shorter, and 1 if greater or longer

string ordinary primitive

* SEARCH ( str-ptr1 str-len1 str-ptr2 str-len2 -- str-ptr1' str-len1' flag )

search the str-buffer1 for the text of str-buffer2,
if it is contained return TRUE and return buffer-values that
point to the contained string, otherwise return FALSE and
leave the original str-buffer1.

string ordinary primitive

* SLITERAL ( -- string )
 compile-time: ( CS: str-ptr str-len -- )
this word does almost the same as LITERAL - it takes
an S" string as specified in the CS-STACK at compile
time and compiles into the current definition where it is
returned as if there were a direct string-literal. This
can be used to compute a string-literal at compile-time
and hardwire it.
   : ORIGINAL-HOME  [ $HOME COUNT ] SLITERAL ; ( -- str-ptr str-len )

string compiling primitive


no special info, see general notes

string ordinary constant