A self-parsing variant of an environment-query check. It is similar
to a simulation like
IF DROP ( extra value ) 2DROP ( success - be silent )
ELSE TYPE ." not available " CR THEN ;
however that would only match those worset-envqueries which return a
single extra item under the uppermost TRUE flag in the success case.
Instead it works more like
IF 2DROP ( success - be silent and just drop the parsed word )
ELSE TYPE ." not available " CR THEN ;
however we add the same extension as in ENVIRONMENT? as that
it can automatically load a wordset module to fullfil a query
that looks like "[wordsetname]-ext". Therefore, the following
two lines are pretty much identical:
LOADM floating
NEEDS floating-ext
the difference between the two: if somebody did provide a forth
level implementation of floating-ext then that implementation might
have registered a hint "floating-ext" in the environment-wordlist.
This extra-hint will inhibit loading of the binary module even if
it exists and not been loaded so far. The LOADM however will
not check the ENVIRONMENT-WORDLIST and only check its loadlist
of binary wordset modules in the system.
It is therefore recommended to use NEEDS instead of LOADM unless you know you want the binary module, quickly and uncondtionally.